Chapter 4

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Running home to prepare for the date after work was a whirlwind, to say the least. You more or less sprinted out of the office at 6 and sped home to freshen up and change after slipping Yuta a very coy piece of paper with your home address on it.

At 6:57 you were still agonizing over what to wear--the pale pink dress or the cream-colored pants suit with the ruffled cuffs? Which would he like more? Normally, for a date, you would try to dress differently than you do at work, which had you leaning away from the pants suit. But then again, you have been wearing more skirts and dresses to work lately to try and catch his eye. Would the pink dress just be white noise?

In the end, you threw on a pair of dark wash skinny jeans, a white silk camisole, and a yellow blazer with heels.

There was no time to re-do your make up or hair. When he knocked on the front door at 7:08 pm, you huffed out a frantic noise, fluffed your hair with your fingers, and scurried to the door like a nervous teenager.

At least you had the wherewithal to put on an alluring face before opening the door. You kept your gaze steady and let a seductive (but not too obvious) smile grace your features as you calmly told him, "You're late."

He cracked a smile, but you were more interested in the way his eyes flickered over your body--barely noticeable but there none the less. "Ehh...I'm pretty sure you left the office earlier than me. Which seems not allowed."

"Well..." Should you go there? You wondered. You forced down a blush and brushed past him with a shrug, locking the door behind you. Shit. Just jump. "I had to leave early. I had a date to get ready for." As soon as the words were out of your mouth, you started walking toward his car, too nervous to watch and see how he reacted. But thankfully, Yuta just followed you, saying,

"You look great, by the way."

The ride to the restaurant was filled with nervous chatter--both of you engaged in the other but understandably in your own heads as well, and by the time you were seated, you had already exhausted any work-related banter and most of the basic small talk topics. So once you placed your orders, Yuta had nowhere to go but there.

"So this is a date then, huh?"

Your palm got a little bit sweaty around the cool glass in your hand. Yuta was watching you from across the small table as you took a little drink before answering. "I'd like it to be a date--if that's okay for you."

"Oh. Yes," he smiled before he could catch himself. "Yeah, I'm all for that. For it being--like--a date."

You had to giggle at his innocent reaction. It was too cute--just impossible not to tease him a little bit. "Yeah? You're into the idea?"

The twinge of sarcasm in your voice sobered him up quickly enough. "Of course. that allowed? Considering our situation at work?"

"It's just a date. We don't have to tell anyone." Which was true. You're not 'in a relationship' or anything, so there was no need to even think about disclosure until when and if that comes to be.

When you encouraged yourself. We'll be together. We have to be. But there's no need to rush and scare him off or create any (more) problems at work. Just go with the flow. Be yourself. He already seems to like you. And thankfully, he seemed pacified by your dismissal of any concerns regarding work, too. He was swirling his straw around in his water glass, apparently in thought.

"You didn't want to drink anything?" you asked in the silence. You had ordered a mule to start.

"I'm driving," he shrugged.

"Mm." So responsible. But honestly, would one drink hurt anything? "Do you--" you started again, but he cut you off.

"Can I ask you a question? Since we're on a date."

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