Chapter 5

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Just to keep Yuta on his toes, you wore a turtle neck and slacks on the night of your sex-club date. You imagined that--being a sex club--the place would very likely be riddled with half-dressed or totally naked people. Rather than awkwardly try to fit in, standing out seemed like a better idea.

Unfortunately, your plan has backfired.

The interior of the club is warm and slightly humid, and you find yourself unbearably warm within the first ten minutes! Rolling up the sleeves of your cotton top isn't doing much to cool you down, either.

Yuta should've told me what to wear, you think a little grumpily as the first signs of a sweat start breaking on your forehead. He came prepared in a light t-shirt and jeans. Why is it so hot in here?! Honestly, it's like they've got the thermostat turned up to 80!

When you first arrived, Yuta had been more than attentive to your nerves and amusement. He made a few jokes about the choice of date locale to lighten the mood, he told you that you looked gorgeous, and then he grabbed your hand and led you inside.

Entering the front section of the club, you were surprised to find that the environment was more formal than you'd imagined. The walls were covered in a textured reddish wallpaper, but white and black accents on the molding kept it from looking tacky. A receptionist met you at the front and made a copy of your ID's.

"Woah, wait a second, am I joining the club or something?"

"No, no," Yuta assured you. He rubbed your arm as he spoke. "It's just policy. No one under 18." That set you at ease a little bit and soon your ID's were returned to you. Yuta was ever the gentleman as he guided you further and further into this unfamiliar and strange second date location.

But once you found your way into a viewing lounge, he had become quieter and more distracted. You are sitting on a red, leather love seat on the right side of the lounge with drinks in hand. Not alcohol, though. Much to your disappointment, upon arrival you learned that no alcohol or drugs are allowed in the club. So you have a "Love Potion" in your cup. It tastes like some sort of herbal lemonade.

Across the space, there is a glass wall separating the viewing lounge from one of many so-called 'play rooms.' As you sit with your drinks and some background music, you can casually watch a pair of 'play partners' engage in some really strange activities.

So far it's not your cup of tea.

"What are they doing?" you had whispered in Yuta's ear shortly after sitting down. At that time, the woman was attaching some pieces of metal to the man's body. She was a tiny white girl and he was a thicker male--tan, but you couldn't make out any ethnicity since he was wearing a ski mask.

"Those are--like--" was he blushing as he explained or was the red lighting playing with your head? "Clamps. It pinches the skin," he told you.

"That's supposed to feel good?" It certainly didn't look like it. You imagined metal clamps up and down the in-seams of your thighs to be more like torture than pleasure. But maybe that's the point.

"Ehhhh. Kinda hurts, kind of feels good. Depends what you're into and what else is going on," Yuta explained. He was watching everything out of the corner of his eyes while he spoke to you.

"Have you done that before?"

"Mm? Me? Yeah. Once or twice."

With who? You wanted to ask, but you held your tongue and thought a little deeper, ending up at an even more risky question. "Are you a masochist or something?" Having a woman attach clamps all over his body--to hurt him?--you don't really get it but it seems a little bit masochistic to you.

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