Chapter 9

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"Wait a minute. You've got a mate? And you're pregnant?! Why in the hell didn't you tell us?" All sets of eyes are on you, and each shows a different emotion. Amber's in shock, Minji and Sunny are amused, and Jenny's concerned.

"I have a very good reason for that. To answer you I have to go back." You sip on your juice before starting.


The bonding session between you, Yuta, and your pup has strengthened both your mind and body. You made an appointment with your gynecologist to One: confirm your suspicions, and Two: get a due date. You have already told your great uncle about your whole situation, and he assures you that if anyone should question your capabilities as President they will have to present concrete evidence to prove so. So far, you've managed to hide your belly with either high waisted pants or skirts but it's getting harder and harder to conceal. You are leaving early today since the doctor's office closes at 5 and Yuta wants to be there for the first appointment. Hence, you are on your way to work now before the majority of staff. You don't bother putting on fancy shoes since it's basically empty. Or at least it should be.

You fish out your keycard, ready to open your office door when you notice that the light is on.

What the hell? Did maintenance not turn off the light last night?

You quietly open the door to see none other than Natalie, your secretary. Her back is turned so that she doesn't see or hear you. You think about calling out her name until you realize what she's doing.

She's going through my things!

You lean in a bit closer, making sure that she can't see you spying on her as you watch. She's murmuring to herself. It sounds to you like she trying to figure out the password for your computer.

You can feel your blood rising as your brain starts to put two and two together. You slam the door behind you so hard that it vibrates. The sound makes her jump and she whirls around with a gasp. Realizing that it's you, she tries her best to recover but she has a shitty poker face.

"Boss! I--uhm--I had no idea you would be coming in this early." She fixes her pale blue dress and then moves to take your bags from you. You swiftly turn your body so that she can't touch it.

"Sit down, Natalie," you order, voice dripping with authority. She doesn't hesitate to sit in the nearest chair. You, however, do not.

"I'm going to ask you some questions and I suggest you answer honestly. If I feel like you're lying to me, your ass will be out of here so fast it will make your head spin. Do you understand me?" She nods in understanding. You text Yuta quickly knowing by now he'll be on his way to work. You have an idea and you'll need his help. An immediate response comes back saying he's already on his way. Natalie looks at you in fear as she eyes you and your phone.

"Natalie, why are you in my office and what are you looking for?" Your eyes bore into hers. She is starting to sweat even though your office is quite cool--the pregnancy has risen your core temperature as of late.

"I- I was." She is having trouble keeping your gaze.

"Answer me!" She practically yips at your outburst.

"I was looking for anything that we could use to get rid of you as President." She seems ashamed and extremely scared.

"We? Who's we?" You lean closer forcing, her to move backwards in the seat.

"Miss- I..."

As tears begin to fall down her face, you lower your voice. "Who's. We?" You are trying your best not to lose it but she's testing your patience.

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