Save the Last Dance for Me

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A/N:  Sorry for the short chapter but I wanted to get something out for today!!! I hope you guys enjoy the story so far!!! Please check out my other ones if you like this one!!

You just kept running.

Almost two miles later, you decided to stop and think about the plan that had been hatching in your mind since you jumped off the deck.

She kissed you. Elsa Andersen kissed you.

You came up on the convenience store where you first met Elsa. You smiled at the thought. It seemed like only yesterday you met the most amazing girl in the girl.

Technically it was a couple days ago, but still, you were happy.

You looked around hoping maybe your plan would work out tonight. You felt bad for running away, but you didn't want to face the millions of questions from the girls. You hoped Elsa would understand tonight when you saw her.

You smiled at the thought of her in a dress.

Tonight had to be perfect.

Elsa stood near the bowl of punch nervously swaying back and forth. Her hair was tied up in a French braid that hung over her shoulder. Her light blue dress clung to her body, showing off every curve. She looked absolutely stunning.

Anna came running up to her with Kristoff linked in her arms. "Hey, sis!" She yelled.

Elsa gave her a weary smile and looked towards the ground.

"Are you still upset about this morning?" Anna asked.

"Yes, Anna. I have a right to be upset. The girl I like hates me now," Elsa replied.

"She does not hate you," Anna said. She reached and held onto Elsa's hands. "We all saw the kiss."

Elsa dropped her sister's hands and started walking away. She found Merida talking up a storm with some of the other people in school and decided to join. All the other girls had dates, and Elsa had to accept the fact that she would be dateless for the night.

Elsa knew she could have any boy in the school, but she only wanted one person.


The dance continued on and Elsa became jealous of her other housemates. They were laughing, eating, and dancing. Elsa stood in the back leaning against the wall. She wanted to be out there dancing with you.

To be honest, she wanted you to be near her. Touching her. Kissing her. She wanted to feel your strong hands push her back against the wall. She wanted you.

No, she needed you.

Elsa started to think about you more and more, and she found herself picturing a life with you in the future. She had never felt this way before. You were funny, kind, caring, and so beautiful.

Elsa started to regret kissing you, but then she remembered how soft your lips were and smiled. So soft. So sweet.

Elsa started blushing remembering the memory. She wished you were here with her. She missed you so much.

As the music died down, Elsa turned her head towards the stage. A stout man wobbled up to the front and tapped the mic.

"Hello, students. I just wanted to properly welcome you back for another great year." He said.

Elsa ignored his words as she watched the other students. They all looked so happy, and she was in the back sulking. A pit of anger emerged in her stomach. She wanted to scream. To run. She didn't want to be here anymore.

Elsa turned to leave when she heard the music start up again. She knew the song immediately because it was the one she danced to this morning. She started to tear up at the thought of you when she heard a familiar voice.

"Elsa, don't leave."

She turned around and saw you looking at her. You grabbed her hands and stared into her eyes.

"Please don't leave. I didn't learn how to dance this morning for it to go to waste. Please dance with me," you said.

Elsa sighed and turned away. "Please don't do this just to be nice. You ran away from me this morning. It's alright if you hate me now."

You placed your hand under her chin and turned her face towards yours. "Hate you? How could I hate someone as beautiful, and sweet, and caring, and smart, and sassy as you," you replied.

She playfully hit you. You grabbed her face with both your hands and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"Elsa, I'm sorry I ran away. I didn't want to face the girls just yet. But trust me when I saw I  really like you. I've liked you since you hit me with door," you laughed.

"(Y/N), I really like you too," she said placing another kiss on your lips.

You lead her to the dance floor and pulled you close to her. You noticed the other girls cheering for you. You smiled at them.

"You got the DJ to play the song from today?" Elsa asked.

"Yeah, I wanted it to be perfect."

You spun her around and she laughed. You pulled her back towards you and kissed the top of her head.

"Don't worry, Elsa. I'm done running."

She kissed you once more as you two danced the night away.

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