Severe Weather

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When you arrived back home from talking to the coach, you noticed all the other girls sitting in the living room with pillows and blankets. Elsa glanced up to you and motioned for you to come sit by her. The man on the TV kept pointing rapidly to the weather map behind him.

"Bad weather is coming," Merida said as you sat down.

"Big tornado is heading our direction," Rapunzel added as she huddled closer to the other girls.

You let out a soft chuckle. "I love tornado weather," you mentioned as you wrapped your arm around Elsa's shoulders. She leaned in closer as you kissed the top of her forehead. How lucky you were to be sitting next to this woman.

The meteorologist pointed more quickly to the map, and you realized the tornado was heading straight for this town. You noticed that many of the girls look terrified. You realized you needed to do something quickly before they all lost their minds.

"Why don't we play a game or something?" You asked. The other girls all looked at one another and decided it would be fun.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" Shouted Anna. The group formed a circle and settled down to start the game. Jasmine decided to go first.

"Okay Merida, truth or dare?"

"Dare! Always dare with me!" Merida yelled proudly. A few girls let out a small chuckle, but most waited to hear what the dare was going to be.

"I dare you to drink a cup of soy sauce," Jasmine replied.

Merida rushed to the kitchen and came back with the half empty bottle. She unscrewed the cap and the chugged the whole thing down. As the liquid dripped onto her chin, Snow rushed into the kitchen to grab napkins. "Merida, you better not make a mess on that carpet!" She said as she ran back in to clean up the mess.

Elsa laughed softly and you felt her hand slide into yours. You felt your cheeks turn red and you smiled down at her. Her hair fell in front of her face and you watched her tuck the stray pieces behind her ear. You never wanted to turn away from this girl. But all of a sudden you heard your name being shouted across the room.


You looked up and saw Merida staring you straight in the eye.

"About time you looked up! Stop staring at Elsa. It's your turn. Truth or dare?" Merida asked.

You bit your bottom lip to think for a moment before replying, "Truth."

"Okay...have you ever been in love before?"

Time stopped for a moment. You felt your mouth go dry as you looked around the room trying to avoid making eye contact too long with one person. You shifted your body and Elsa let go of your hand.

"I mean, yes, I have been in love before," you said softly. "Back in high school, there was this girl who was my whole world. I never loved someone like that before. But things happened, and that's all in the past now." You reached for Elsa's hand and held on tightly to reassure her that none of that mattered now. You turned towards Elsa. "I'm grateful for my experience with her because it led me to you," you said kissing the back of her.

Anna rolled her eyes right as a large strike of lightning flashed in the sky. The girls all huddled closer together and you couldn't help but laugh at how childish they were acting at the moment.

You shifted your body and turned towards Elsa and asked, "Truth or Dare?"

Elsa scrunched her nose as she concentrated on what her answer was going to be. She smirked at you and replied, "Truth."

You thought for a moment because you wanted this question to be just right. "Okay Elsa, since I had to share my past, have you ever been in love with someone?"

Elsa smiled and squeezed your hand. "Just like you, only once. I was a junior in high school when I fell in love with this boy." She hesitated for a moment before she continued. "However, things became complicated and he broke up with me out of nowhere. I haven't talked to him since."

The room because silent, and no one made a sound. Thunder echoed in the sky, but the girls all stared down at the floor thinking of their own love lives and where they were now.

All of a sudden, the door bell rang, and all the girls looked around making sure everyone was here. You stood up and walked over to the door. You swung it open and noticed a man huddled over in a dark blue rain coat. He glanced up at you, and chills ran down your body. You already did not like him. And the next words almost made you shut the door right then and there.

"Is Elsa here?" The stranger asked. You motioned for him to come in, and right away you noticed that Elsa was walking towards you two.


You stepped back as Elsa strolled over to him and touched his arm.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

He removed his ball cap and grabbed her hand. "I should have never left us. I never should have left you. Things got too chaotic, but I've changed. Let me show you that I still love you," he replied.

He nudged you out of the way, but Elsa instinctively grabbed your hand. "Tadashi...I...I'm not yours anymore."

Before he could get in another word, the lights went out, and soon the room was covered in a curtain of darkness. No one said a word as they watched the scene in front of them.

Before anyone could say a word, you turned on your phone and headed towards the basement. "I'm going to go check the power," you said as you walked down the stairs. Elsa followed you leaving Tadashi upstairs with everyone else.

Elsa grabbed your hand and pulled you into the room with the generator. Before you could say anything, she placed a finger on your lips and slowly leaned in to kiss you. Your head moved forward meeting her lips with your own.

"Don't be afraid, (Y/N). Nothing is going to happen. I want you," Elsa whispered into your ear.

As you kissed her back, you hoped that she was right. You didn't need anymore drama in your life right now.

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