First Encounters

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The wind brushed past your face as you pulled your motorcycle into the convenience store of 12th street. The sun beat down as you took off your helmet and walked inside. A cool gust of the air conditioner hit your face and you smiled.

"At least it's cool in here," you thought as you made your way to the bathroom.

An older man watched from behind the counter as you made your way to the back. He had a cigarette hanging from his mouth, occasionally blowing a puff of smoke into the air. His black hair was greased back with gel. 

You put your hand on the handle to pull open the door when suddenly it swung open hitting you directly above your eye.

"Ow," you yelled. 

A young girl with platinum blonde hair quickly adverted her eyes to the small gash near your eyebrow.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry."

"It's alright," you said with a slight smile on your face.

She placed her hands on your face and you blushed at the sudden contact. She bent your head closer to her and inspected the wound on your face.

"Luckily I don't think you'll need stitches," she decided. You flashed your goofy smile at her which caused her to blush.

"That's good, but at least now I'll a cool scar." She laughed at your comment. 

You started to really notice the woman in front of you. Her hair was done in a french bread which hung over her left shoulder. Her beautiful blue eyes matched the shirt she was wearing. She had on a pair of jeans and white converse. She was absolutely stunning. 

She noticed you gazing at her up and down and blushed some more. You realized that you were doing and quickly tried to avoid her eye contact.

"Uh, I should go to the bathroom now." She moved out of the way as you entered the bathroom.

"I hope to see you around," she replied with a wide smile on her face. She briskly walked out of the convenience store and drove away. You watched her leave and could not help but start to daydream about her. 

"I didn't even get her name," you thought.


You turned down the street towards your new home for the next two years. You decided to switch to the new school because this school offered you a full ride to play lacrosse. However, this school was far different from your last one. Instead of living in dorms, people lived in houses with other students in their grade. You enjoyed the freedom of having no one supervise, but you didn't know if you were going to stand your new roommates.

Fourteen other girls already lived in the house, and you worried that none of them would like you. As you neared the house, you parked your bike on the side of the street. You grabbed your bags and walked up to the front door. You rang the doorbell and waited to see what was hidden behind the door.

Someone walked closer to the door and swung it open. A girl with super long, blonde hair stared at your for a moment before yelling with delight.

"Yay! You must (Y/N)!" You nodded at her loud response and she motioned for you to come inside. As you strolled on in, several other girls rushed into the living room to greet you. You counted them and noticed that there was only thirteen girls here. You wondered where the last one was. 

"These are the girls," the blonde said, "Elsa is out and about right now, but she will be back shortly. You will be sharing a room with her. I'm Rapunzel by the way."

You smiled at the girls. They went around and said their names, but you knew it would take you a couple days to remember all of them. Anna, Elsa's twin sister, showed you downstairs to your room.

"My sister wasn't super excited she would have to share her room, but don't worry, she will come around eventually."

"I hope so," I replied.

"She's really sweet and kind once you get to know her," Anna mentioned.

You arrived at the door and Anna opened it up for you. The room was decorated on one side, but completely bare on the other. You placed your bag on you bed and started to unpack when Anna grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs.

"You can unpack later, but right now we are going to get to know you more." You laughed as she pulled you up the stairs into the living room. She pointed to a chair and you took a seat. The other girls sat down and waited for you to talk.

"Is that your motorcycle out there?" asked Mulan. You nodded your head. "Awesome," she continued, "you should come ride with me sometime."

"That cut above your head looks fresh, how did you get that?" questioned Moana.

"This girl hit me with a door at the convenience store up the road. It hurt pretty bad."

You remembered you left your phone in your bag and excused yourself to go grab it. Right as you walked downstairs, the front door open and the platinum blonde haired woman walked in. "Elsa!" the girls yelled.

Elsa walked over to the couch and took a seat next to her sister.

"I met a girl today who was so cute. She had this goofy little smile and she was very funny," Elsa said.

"Did you get her number?" Anna asked.

"I didn't even get her name! I was too scared to ask her because I accidentally hit her in the face with the bathroom door. I gave her a small cut above her eye." The other girls glanced around the room with small smirks on their faces.

"What?" Elsa asked.

You made your back upstairs and all the girls turned their heads to look at you. Your eyes wandered over to the mystery girl who hit you in the head. Elsa's face turned bright red.

"Fancy running into you again," you charmingly said. You found your seat and glanced over at Elsa who was not looking at you. The other girls looked between you two in silence. Finally, Tiana stood up.

"Who wants dinner? I'm going to start cooking." She exited the room and Jasmine and Merida followed her. The other girls quickly left the room leaving you and Elsa by yourselves.

"My guess is you're Elsa," you said walking over to her. You sat down right by her with your hand extended out. "My name is (Y/N)."

She smiled and reached her hand out to shake yours. "She's so beautiful, but there's no way she likes me," you thought to yourself.

Little did you know, Elsa was thinking the same thing.

"I guess we're going to be roommates," she finally said. You smiled at her which caused her to blush and she dropped your hand suddenly. She excused herself and walked down to her room. You walked outside and found Mulan tuning up her motorcycle. You and her talked about some different things before heading in for dinner.

You saw an empty seat next to Elsa and sat down by her. She tensed up slightly when your hand brushed her arm. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," you whispered.

She smiled at you as Anna watched the two of you interact. Anna smiled even more when she saw her sister turn her body to talk to you.

"Go get your girl, sis," Anna thought to herself.

Soon everyone was eating and laughing as you found yourself staring at Elsa. Her soft, yet authoritative voice turned you on even more. Her laugh caused your heart to beat faster. She was spectacular. 

"I guess being here won't be too bad," you thought. 

And They Were Roommates...Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin