07. Starting To Settle

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The rest of the day passed without much excitement, to everyone's relief. They carried on with Summoning Charms, which George was now getting the hang of, and they had to attend their late night session of Astronomy, where they filled out charts on Jupiter.

The following day they were all very much looking forward to the weekend. They were discussing it over breakfast.

"We've got our first Hogsmeade visit tomorrow," said George. "I saw it on the notice board.

"That's a nice birthday treat for you then, Tee," Rose smiled.

"It's your birthday tomorrow?" said Fred in surprise. "How come you didn't tell us?"

Tee shrugged. "It's just been such a mad week. I've barely even thought about it."

"You should have said something," said Fred. "We won't have time to get you anything."

"Oh it's okay, don't worry about it," Tee insisted.

"Tell you what..." grinned Fred. "If we come home early from Hogsmeade, George and I can go nick some food and stuff from the kitchens and we can throw you a party in the common room."

"Yeah, okay!" beamed Tee. "That sounds cool!"

"Come on anyway, we'll be late for Care of Magical Creatures," said George, spooning up the last of his cereal.

The four of them quickly finished up and then hurried out onto the grounds and over to Hagrid's hut. "Alrigh', you lot?" greeted Hagrid. "Bin' keepin' yeh nose clean, Fred?"

"I have," replied Fred. "Can't say much for the Slytherins though."

Whilst the other students were still arriving, they quickly filled Hagrid in on what had happened in Transfiguration. Hagrid looked outraged. "Do yeh know who did it?" he asked.

They shook their heads. "We reckon it was Montague though," said George.

"Montague? That bloke yeh got into a fight with last lesson?" Hagrid addressed Fred.

Fred nodded. "He'd probably think of it as some good joke to get me back with."

"A joke?" Hagrid repeated angrily. "That's no joke, he could've killed yeh!" Tee winced. "Has Professor McGonagall found out who did it yet?"

They all shook their heads again. They hadn't seen Professor McGonagall since that Transfiguration lesson. "Madam Pomfrey told us they were gonna get to the bottom of it," said Tee.

Hagrid nodded. "That's good. Just try an' stay away from them Slytherins, alrigh'? I'll be keepin' an eye on 'em this lesson."

Once the last few students had arrived, Hagrid addressed the whole class.

"Righ' then... We're gonna be doin' Billywigs today," he said. "Now who knows where Billywigs come from?"

"Australia," Rose piped up. This was one lesson she didn't mind reading up on. She seemed to like it more than the others did, at any rate.

"Yeah, that's righ'. Five points to Gryffindor," said Hagrid. Rose beamed. "I just want yeh all to have a go at drawin' the Billywigs fer now. They're in me house, I'll just go get 'em..."

"So are these things dangerous?" George asked Rose, whilst Hagrid disappeared into his hut. He had no idea what Billywigs were.

"I don't think so," replied Rose. "They have stings, but the book was really vague about what the side effects were. There was only a small extract on them."

All The Small Things (Harry Potter) *Fred/OC*Where stories live. Discover now