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Grace's POV 2.22 All hell breaks loose

Sam's dead

My brother is Dead because The yellow eyed demon and me sitting by his Dead corpse wasn't helping so I left and went to my quiet place.

Or was about to when I got a idea an idea that will be risky and ruin my life but I didn't Care as long as Sam was alive and breathing,this idea was

The crossroads and to sell my soul for Sam's and that's what I'm about to do

Somebody else's POV

But what Grace didn't know was Dean did the same

"Fine, I'll give you one year and one year only then your soul is mine."the female crossroads demon says to Dean and he nods just wanting his baby brother alive again.


Grace's POV

"I'll give you one year sweetie then your mine."he says in a creepy voice and Grace gulps in disgust.

"Whatever just get it over with."I say and the demon smirks at her.

"Whatever you want Goldie Locks."he says and comes toward me and I do the same until we're inches apart.

Somebody else's POV

The female demon and Dean were inches from kissing to seal the deal on his soul.

"Whenever your ready handsome."she says flirting and Dean rolls his eyes then smashes his lips to hers sealing the deal.

Grace's POV
The male demon's mouth smashes to mine sealing the deal. Then he backs away smirking.

"Goodbye, Goldie Locks and I hope you have a good year because it'll be your last."he says and disappears.


"You,what"Dean yells at me when I told him I sold my soul. And Bobby's sitting on the sidelines.

"I sold my soul to the devil basically."

"Why?"he asks and I scoff

"Because I wasn't gonna sit around while Sam was still dead. Dean and apparently you couldn't either."I say and he goes silent and I sigh looking at him.

"How long did they give you?"

"A year,what about you?"

"Same"I say and we stay silent until Bobby speaks up.

"You both are a bunch of idjits selling your soul to the devil."he says angrily and we look down.

"We're sorry Bobby."Dean says with his head down like he is getting scolded by his dad,which he is.

"Sorry, Will Sam feel sorry when he finds out his big brother and sister are going to hell!"he says and I look at Bobby pleading with him.

"Bobby please don't tell Sam." I say and he looks at us with disappointment in his eyes.

"I won't, but you two will when we kill yellow eyes, Are we clear?"he asks and we nod.

"Crystal."we say in Union then Bobby sighs. And leaves out leaving me and Dean,we said nothing to each other.

Just stood their in silence.


After we killed yellow eyes we told Sam about our deal to save him and he said we will find a way and I hope that's true.

But then something happened.

A year passed and it was time for me and Dean to go.

Sam couldn't let go. But he had to, but then Lilith showed up and it was The end of Dean and me,and we were sent

To Hell.

And there was something we didn't know was that getting sent to Hell was only the beginning of me and Dean's journey. And that we would meet two special people that would mean The world to us.

This is our story.

End of prologue

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