4.16 Trust works both ways

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Grace's POV

I place back and forth waiting for Castiel to return from wherever he went.

'Where is he?'

I thought worried about him until I hear fluttering I turn around with a smile until I saw he was with Zariel and Uriel and I frowned.

"Cas, what's going on?"I ask and he sighs and takes my arm.

"Were going to your brothers now."he says and I look at him suspiciously.


"You'll soon find out."he says cryptic again and I groan.

"But-"I say but it was to late we disappeared.


We appear in a motel to see Sam and Dean and they look like they Saw someone die.

"Grace"they say and I look at them questioningly.

"Guys, what's going on?"I ask and they were about to say something but Uriel cut in.

"We don't have time for this human mundane things."he says and I glare at him.

"And what are you doing here chuckles?"Dean says setting a glare on Uriel.

"Your needed."he says and Dean gets angry by that.

"Needed?, we Just got back from needed"Dean says yelling and I looked at them confused.

"What do you mean Dean?"I say and Dean sighs and looks at me.

"Pamela died protecting one of your precious seals"he says and I became sad.

'I might not have known her but she helped me and Dean and it was sad that she died'

"And we Just came back from her funeral"Sam says and Dean nods.

"So the least you can do is give us five freaking minutes"Dean yells completely frustrated and Uriel steps forward.

"Now you mind your tone with me."he says threatening.

"No, you mind your damn tone with us."Dean yells angry and Uriel scoffs.

"We raised you out of hell for our purposes."he says and I glare at him I look to Castiel and Zariel for support but their not doing anything.

'Why aren't they doing anything?'

"What exactly do you want from me" Dean says glaring at Uriel angrily.

"Start with gratitude"he says and I scoff  in disbelief and Dean retorts with. 'oh'

"Dean I know this is difficult to understand."Zariel says softly and Dean softens.

'Woah when did they get along?'

"And . We . don't. care. "He says spatting every word and I wanted to punch him and Zariel looks away and Dean sighs in annoyance and looks away to and Uriel continued.

"Now seven angels have been killed from our Garrison the last one was tonight."he says and I look to him still glaring.

"Demons?"I ask and he sighs.

"How are they doing it?"Dean asks and Uriel looks back.

"We don't know."

"Alright but what do you want Sam and Dean to do about it though, I mean a person with enough juice to kill Angels have to be out of my brother's league right."I say what my brothers were thinking.

"We can handle the demons thank you very much."he says and I roll my eyes.

"Once we find who it is."Castiel says speaking up finally.

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