4.20 "I know you Cas"

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Grace's POV: Dream sequence

I stand in a deserted land looking at the two suns that combines into one.

' so beautiful'

Then I hear fluttering and I smile.

"Ca-"I say but stop when I see him all bloody I go to him worriedly.

"Hey... Grace"he says weakly and I'm very concerned.

"Cas, what happened?" I ask and he tried to stand up but couldn't.

"There's no time to explain,all you need to know is that,you and Dean need to find me and Zari's vessels quickly"he says and I frown.


"Please, please Grace just find them and hurry"he says and I can see the fear in his eyes and I nod.

"Okay I will,promise"

"Thank you Grace"he says and I nod.

"What's happening?"I ask when Cas looks like he's fading from my dream.

"Bye Grace, I hope this won't be the last time I see you"he says and completely fades from my dream and my eyes widen in panic.

' he can't be dead, can he?'

"Cas"I yell but nothing happens and I feel my fear and panic ripping me up from the inside out and...

' I wish I knew what to do'


Dean's POV

I fish in the pond because this is my ultimate dream fantasy.

Well other than two girls dancing to ' my sweet cherry pie, by the warrants'

I continue to fish until I hear fluttering behind me and I smirk.

"You just can't get enough of the Dean machi-"I say but stop when I see Zariel very hurt and I go to her.

"Hey, Dean"she says weakly and I put on my protective mask.

"Who did this to you?"I ask and she shakes her head.

"It doesn't matter, just find me and Cas's vessels"

"Why, Where?"I ask and she glares at me.

"I said I can't explain now Dean"she says and I sigh frustrated.

"Why not?, I don't know about you but I can't stand this cryptic bull Zari"I say getting angry with her.

' why can't she tell me what's going on?'

"Just find the vessels Dean that's all I can say"she says and fades away from my dream and I sigh.

' this woman's impossible '


Grace's POV

I wake up and at the same time Dean does to.

' I'm guessing Zari visited him to'

He nods to verify my suspicion then I got up and got dressed then Sam woke up.

"What's going on?"he asks and Dean turns to him.

"Zari, came to me in my dream saying we need to find their vessels, it sounded important"Dean says and I put on my jacket.

"Cas, did the same thing"I say and he nods.

"Okay, did they say were exactly they were?"Sam asks still a little sleepy.

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