4.13 High school flashbacks

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Grace's POV

After Castiel tells me the place I am at is his home I go to call Dean.

"Hey, Dean"I say in the phone and I hear ruffling then his voice.

"Hey Gracey, where are you?"he says and I sigh.

"I'm with Castiel and Zariel."

"Do you want me to come and get you?"he asks and I shake my head.

"Oh no, I'm good here promise,plus I think I need a break from the hunting for a bit"I say and he 'huhs.'

"I understand just be careful okay."he says and I nod.

"Of course."I say then he hangs up and I head to the kitchen.


Dean's POV

"Was that Grace?"Zariel asks and I nod putting my arms around her in bed.

We did 'it' again last night it actually seems to be happening alot lately.

I lean down to kiss her and she stops me.

"Wait."she says and I frown.


"Just to be clear were not a thing are we?"she asks and I shook my head.

"Nope."I say with a grin on my face and she smiles then takes a fistful of my dirty blonde and pull me close so our lips are touching.

"Good."she says and our lips collide and we repeat last night.



Grace's POV

I walk in to the kitchen to see Castiel making coffee.

'It was very weird'

"Hi, Cas"I say to him and he smiles.

'I decided to call him by a nickname now'

"Hello, Grace"he says and I sit down in a chair and he hands me a coffee I whispered a thank you and he nodded.

"So are you gonna go back to Dean and Sam?"he asked and I shook my head.

"No, I decided I needed a little break. Besides the place their working at is not a place I would love to be at."I say and he sits by me.

"What's the place?"he asks and I look into his deep blue eyes.

"High school."I say and he nods in understanding.

"A place for education."he says and I nod.

"Yes, but not just education but also torture."I say then Cas grew serious.

"Torture, who's behind it?"he says very seriously and I laugh at his cluelessness.

"No, Castiel I meant torture because I was bullied there."I say and he nods in understanding.


"So anyway yeah I was not very popular back then especially with my injury."I say and Cas looks confused.

"Injury?"he asks and I nod.

"Yeah My hand was damaged...well my nervous system was I wasn't able to do anything at all."


Flash back:

"Look it's The girl that can't feel anything in her right hand."a boy said and his friends started making fun of me calling me.

'Robo girl and I hated it More than anything'


"Hey can you feel that"a boy next to me in science say while hitting my left hand with a pencil and I glared at him angrily and in a fit of rage I punched him.

"Can you feel that?"I yell in his face and his eyes widen fearfully.

"Your crazy."he says then the teacher speaked up.

"Grace Winchester to the front office now."she says and I go to the front office.

End of flash back

"Those kids were wrong Grace."Castiel says and I nod sadly.

"I know but they still made me feel so empty and lost inside though."I say and Castiel grows quite.

"So anyway that's my story of my younger years."I say and Cas speaks up.

"I gotta tell you something Grace."

"What?"I ask then Zariel appears in only a shirt that looks familiar.

"Hi, guys"

"Hi, Zariel"me and Cas say at the same time then she goes into the refrigerator to take out grapes then closed it.

"By guys."she says and leaves upstairs.

"By."we say then I turn to Cas.

"What were you saying?"I ask and Cas opens his mouth but nothing comes out.

"Nothing of import."he says and I nod suspiciously but drop it anyway.

"Well okay then I'm just gonna go back to that guest room and read a book for the rest of the day then."I say and he nods and I walk into the guest room reading a book still wondering.

'Why did that shirt look familiar?'

But eventually I dropped it and went back to reading in peace.

End of chapter five

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