4.02 Dream crashing

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Grace's POV

After Castiel and Zariel told us they were angels, I believed them completely.

'I don't know why but I did and even the God stuff.'

But just because I believed them doesn't mean other's will.

'Others as in Dean.'


"It's ridiculous I mean Angels, God?"Dean says still ranting.

"Dean I don't know I mean some people don't believe in demons and we fight them everyday. Who's to say angels aren't."Sam says and Dean rolls his eyes.

"Fine, you both might buy into this but I won't."

"Why not?"I ask and he turns to me.

"Because there's no such thing as Angels or God. And if there was wouldn't you think somehow someway, a Hunter would have crossed paths with them.?" He says and I sigh and Bobby speaks up

"I don't know Dean it says an angel can pull a human soul out the pit."

"Maybe the book is wrong."Dean states not believing it and I got fed up with him.

"Why is it so hard for you to believe that Angels and God exist?"I ask my big brother.

"Because it's unbelievable that I got groped and pulled out by a angel. I mean I thought doing good would make up for the stealing and ditching chicks. And I can understand why they pulled Grace out. But me why would a God care  about me and what My life has purpose for. Because it's not like he cared before,so why now?"Dean says and I feel sad for my big brother.

"Maybe to have purpose now. A real purpose that's worth fighting for." I say and he shrugs.

"Maybe?,but all I know is that having purpose only holds you back. And I won't be held back not ever."he says and walks out and I sigh.

'Why does my brother have to be so stubborn All the time'


Somebody else's POV

During when The ghost of people they couldn't save appeared to them they found out that the apocalypse is coming.

And they'll have to stop it.

But they just don't know how to stop the end of the world on their own.

While everyone is sleeping Dean stirs awake to see Zariel there waiting he gets up and walks to her.

"Well, look who decided to show up."Dean comments bitterly.

"Hello,Dean"she says and Dean glares at her.

"Quit with the 'hello' crap"Dean says angrily and Zariel looks at him in understanding.

"Your angry with me."she says in realization.

"No,duh Sherlock I almost got my heart ripped out today."he says basically shouting.

"But you didn't."she says and Dean scoffs.

"Oh, and that's suppose to be comforting to me?" Dean asks in disbelief.

"No not really I'm not here to make it comforting for you Dean. But if you want comforting I suggest you get a therapist."she says witty and Dean almost laughs at her humor but stops.

"So is it true."

"What, the apocalypse."she asks and Dean nods.


"Then yes it's true we have to find the 66 seals before they are broken."she says so stepping forward.

"What happens when they break.?"

"Lucifer walks Free."she says and Dean's eyes widen.


"Yes"she says and Dean shakes his head.

"Wow I just started believing in you guys or trying at least. And now I'm supposed to believe in the devil, what am I supposed to do with this now?"Dean says and Zariel shrugs.

"I don't know and I don't care all I care about is Lucifer not rising. So make that happen and I won't be forced to throw you back to the pits of hell. And I know you remember everything so don't even lie Dean."she says and he was about to say More but she disappeared and Dean sighed.

"Frigging Angels." he mutters then looks to his siblings Sam sound asleep and Grace asleep with a frown on her face that Dean doesn't see.

Grace's POV Dream sequence:

I smell the ocean,the sand, and people having a good time and I open my eyes with a bright smile.

Then run into the ocean playing in the water swimming in the sea looking at fishes. Swimming and then I stop swimming and sink down into the bottom of the ocean.

'At peace.'


I get grabbed and I'm pulled up out of the water to see Castiel and I look at him confused.

"Castiel?" I ask and he nods.

"Grace, we need to talk." he says and I nod.

"Okay then."


I sit in a Beach chair and Castiel just stands.

"So Castiel, what is it?"

"Well I'm sure you've heard about the apocalypse and The 66 seals as well."he says and I look at him.

"Yeah, so it's true?"I ask and he nods.

"Yes it is,we have to find them before they are broken and-"

"Stop Lucifer from rising."I say and I didn't know how I knew I just did.

Castiel looks at me and sighs then squats to my level.

"Yes,but that's not why I came here Grace."

"Then why?"

"Because you also have a part to play a very important one."he says and I look at him curious.

"What kind of part?"

"I can't reveal that now."he says and I sigh.

"Why not?"

"It just isn't the right time, but you'll know when it's time." he says and I sigh in frustration.

'Geez why does this Angel have to be cryptic.'

"Fine, anything else?"

"No that'll be all Grace." he says then disappears and I lean back wondering.

'What part do I have to play?'

'And why can't I know now?'

So many questions went through my head but one was clear as day.

'Why did Castiel Dream crash just to tell me this?'


End of chapter two

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