4.21 "Family feud"

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Grace's POV

I look everywhere for Cas, I tried the place they stayed at but there was nothing.

And I felt hopeless like maybe I won't be able to find him.

Until a thought occurred to me that I'm a fairy, and maybe my Powers can help me find him.

So I focused on Cas's Grace until I get a vision.


"Please no more brother"Cas says tied to a chair looking exhausted and in pain.

"Sorry Castiel but this is what Angels who sin get"he says and the man was Zachariah.

"Zachariah, I didn't sin I only did what I knew was right"he says and he scoffs.

"And what is that? Befriending a fairy,an abomination?"he says and Cas glares at him.

"Don't. call. Her. That ." Cas says growling at him with every word and Zachariah laughs.

"Wow!, you really do like this girl don't you"he says and Cas says nothing and Zachariah continues "well when I'm done with her there won't be that much left of her to like"he says threatening me and Cas looks more angry than I have seen him.

"If you touch Grace I will personally kill you were you stand, archangel or not"he says through clenched teeth and Zachariah swallows nervously but shrugs it off.

Then punches Cas and Cas spits out blood then glares at him.

"Don't threaten me Castiel, I am more powerful and absolute than your Angel Grace combine, and can kill you" he snaps his fingers and a Angel nearby explodes "like that" he says and Cas looks down "now say your sorry for threatening an archangel" he says and Cas looks up determined.

"In the words of a friend of mine, Go to Hell jerkface"he says and I smile at his comment.

' that's my Cas'

Then Zachariah glares at him furiously.

"Fine, have it your way"he says and touches his temple and he screams in pain and his screams were so horrific that I had to back out of the vision I was in.

End of vision----

I pant out of breath from the vision.

When I hear footsteps behind me I turn around to see a girl with brunette hair, brown eyes, and amazing cheekbones I frown at her.

"Who are you?"I ask and she smiles warmly.

"The names Toni and I've heard great things about you, Grace Winchester"she says and I scoff.

"If your with the Angels then I doubt it"I say and she chuckles.

"Your hilarious"she says and I scoff lightly.

"Oh yeah, I'm a hoot"I say and she grew serious.

"Anyway I'm here to help you"she says and I look at her with mistrust.


"Your brothers"she says and I frown in confusion.

"What about Sam and Dean?"I ask.

"Sam's gonna kill Dean right now,so you should hurry, hold on to my shoulder"she says and I look at her suspiciously and she looks back waiting and I sigh not really having a choice then put my hand on her shoulder and we disappear.

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