An Akward Lunch

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Todoroki's POV
I hear the lunch bell ring and a bunch of students begin heading to the Lunch-Rush Cafeteria. I trudge to the lunchroom; I'm not really in the mood right now to eat, but it's either that or go to my home room with Aizawa. I scan the room to see if Midoriya is anywhere to be found. I look and see he is sitting with the Baku squad (Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina, and of course Bakugo). He/She looks fine now. He's/She's smiling his/her cute smile she almost always has. Midoriya is laughing with them. It makes me feel very left out. I think about whether or not I should go over there and apologize, but I decide against it. I don't want to ruin his/her fun.

I head to an empty table and sit by myself like I used to; that is, till I met Midoriya last year. I don't know why I lashed out at him. The more I think about it, the more I regret getting upset. Midoriya is right, he can take care of himself most of the time. I knew that it was Mineta's fault that Bakugo ended up on top of Midoriya. My jealousy and protectiveness of Midoriya got the better of me. It's just that he's my boyfriend or girlfriend and I think he shouldn't have other guys touch him inappropriately, whether it's an accident or not. Am I being selfish? To be honest I don't even know what I'm doing. This is my first relationship and Midoriya's second (he told me that he dated Bakugo in middle school). I wish I knew how to make things better.

"Hey Todoroki," Uraraka shouts,

I glance over at her sitting at a table with Iida and Tsuyu. I don't really feel like being surrounded by people right now. She continues to smile at me and gesture me to come over. *sigh* I guess sitting with someone is better than sitting with no one. Even if I don't feel like it. I place down my tray next to Iida and sit down sulking.

"Hey Todorki, is something wrong?" She asks.

I shake my head.

"Did something happen between you and Midoriya?"

Again I say nothing. I just look down at my soba. The noodles laying there in the deep bowl. Staring back at me. I'm unknowingly in a trance, gazing into the cold, delicious food before me. I hear a muffled voice calling my name. Could it be? Midoriya?

"Todoroki, Todoroki are you listening to me?"

I look up in hopes that Midoriya came back, but I'm only met with disappointment.

"Hmm, oh yeah. Sure Uraraka," I say coldly.

She glares at me giving me the don't lie to me, I know something happened look.

Uraraka opens her mouth so say something, but the bell rings signaling the end of lunch. I get up to avoid any questions Uraraka may have, but I'm too slow.

"Todoroki, I know something happened between you and Midoriya. Just tell me what's wrong? I can help you."

"If only you could" I thought.

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