Turning Point

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Uraraka's POV
Everything's all set. Now I just need the boys to arrive. I sent a text to Todoroki 5 minutes ago telling him I needed his help. He left me on read and I don't know if he's coming or not. I just hope that he's here before Deku is. Deku told me he'd/she'd be here as soon as she/he can. I'm so nervous right now, what if they both don't show. Or what if they run into each other on the way here and my whole plan gets exposed! Shoot, I didn't think about that. And it would feel like a waste of Hatsume's time; after all she went through to come up with a locking device. *sigh* I was about to give up until I heard footsteps, those of which belonged to Todoroki.

"Hey you made it," I chuckle nervously.

"Yeah. So what'd you want", he asks.

I shift my eyes around, I haven't really prepared on my exact reason.

"Think Ochako, think", I thought.

Luckily, before I could think of a good reason I see Deku running up to me. He doesn't seem to notice Todoroki at first.
"H-hey Uraraka. Sorry I'm late, I got here as soon as I could. You see, I was helping Kirishima plan a date with Bakugo".

He smiles at me and I smile back, wishing he could look at me like that all the time. However, my fantasy was interrupted by Deku's voice.

"What is he doing here", he questioned.

I studied his expression. It was full of hurt, anger, and sadness. Before he could turn away, I grabbed both Todoroki's and Deku's hand and shoved them into the room, placed the device on the outdoor handle and locked them inside.

"I'm sorry", I shout.

"But this is for your own good".

I turn around and leave them there. I'll make sure to text them in two hours to hopefully let them out.

Midoriya's POV
I'm sitting at my desk trying to finish up the last of my Hero essay when I feel the vibration of my phone against the table. It was a text from Uraraka.

Meet me at study room No. 3 at 4:30

The study room? If she need help, why couldn't we just meet up in the common room. Or one of our dorms? I send her text telling her I'll get there as soon as I can. I put my phone down and finish my last sentence. Done. Finally, I can fall back onto my bed and relax. Today's been a long day. I got into my first fight with Todoroki, I'm helping Kiriskima plan a date with Bakugo, and now I have to meet up with Uraraka. Honestly, I want to forgive him, but he crossed the line. I, nothing like his dad, right? I mean sure I may have called him over protective and that I thought he was better than to think I would ever cheat on him, but even so. There was no right for him to say that to me.

He probably hates me now. Does he want to break up with me? Maybe it's better this way. After all, what's going to happen when we're all aiming for #1 hero? It's now 4:25 so I start to head over to Uraraka.

"Maybe this will help me clear my mind", I thought.

Time Skip to When He/She Arrives

I see Uraraka and run up to her. I'm very out of breath from having to run across campus.

"H-hey Uraraka. Sorry I'm late, I got here as soon as I could. You see, I was helping Kirishima plan a date with Bakugo", I pant out.

My hands are on my knees with my head hanging low, trying to catch my breath. But I regret looking up, because what I saw made me want to throw up.

"What is he doing here", I spat.

I avoid eye contact with Shoto. I can't look at him right now. Instead, I start to turn around to leave, but before I knew it, I was being whisked away by Uraraka and forced into study room No. 3 with my "boyfriend".

I try to unlock the door, but it's stuck. I start banging and yelling for her to let us out. When that doesn't work I slump down into a desk chair, waiting to be let out. Todorki does the same so that we're on opposite ends. We both looked down, not knowing what to say or where to look. I get a text message from Uraraka. What she sent made me want to die.

I'm not letting either of you out until you make up.
                                                                           Love, Uraraka

I sigh as I turn off my phone. I'm going to assume Shoto received the same text for he looked up at me with apologetic eyes. He looks like he's about to say something but before he does, I interrupt.

"Look, I'm going to take a wild guess as say that Uraraka set us up. But before you do or say anything, I just want to know why".

He stares at me intently. He doesn't say anything so I continue.

"Why, why do you love me?"

Silence. That all there was.

We look at each other for what seems to be about 1 minutes until he speaks up.

"Why? You're really asking me why"?

He walks towards me until he's inches apart from my face.

"I'll tell you why. But first let me apologize" he says.

"I didn't mean to upset you back there. I just wanted to let you know how I felt about the situation. Yes, I know, the more the I think about it, the more I realize it was irrational and pathetic. I just didn't know how to deal with it. You're my first love Izuku and I don't want anyone to take that away from me".

I can see tears begin to well up in his heterochromic eyes.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'm sorry I made you feel how I felt when I'm talked down to, and I'm sorry for pain and confusion. I love you so much, more than you could even know and I never ever want to make you feel bad".

I'm in shock. I've never seen him cry. I feel like I understand now what he means. I'm his source of comfort from all the pain of his past and present and only I can give him the feeling of being loved and cared for. I embrace him in a tight hug as he cries into my shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry Todoroki-kun, I mean Shoto. I never meant to make you this way. I understand now that I'm your source of love and comfort and as your partner I should've know sooner", I say.

We forgive each other and stay in our warm embrace for what seems like 5 minutes. Once we let go, he gives me a quick kiss. He moves his mouth towards my ear and says, "I love you because you bring out the best in me".

I blush and push my forehead into his chest. I'm glad our fight is over and we can go back to being a happy couple. We begin to sweet talk each other until we hear the door click and see Uraraka beaming from ear to ear.

"See, I knew my plan would work!" She said.

We chuckle and shake our heads as we head back to the dorms. It's about 5:30 so we grab something to eat on the way. Once we reach the separation point, we give goodbye kisses to one another as we head up to rest. Honestly, this day has been one of the craziest I've ever experienced in the two years I've been here.

We have exams coming up in a month and soon after we'll be done with our second year at U.A. We'll have one more year before we'll be able to save people for a living and become some of the best heroes in Japan. I can't wait to see what our future is like. But one thing kept bugging me.

"Will he still love me then?" I think.

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