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It's been a few weeks since I have taken the tests. I look into a full length mirror while examining my body. I still don't know whether I'm pregnant or not, but today I'll find out for sure. Only Aizawa, All Might, Principal Nezu, Recovery Girl, and my mom know about my current situation. I'm really hoping word doesn't get out. I don't think I could take any more embarrassment.

I'm excused from home room with Aizawa Sensei to go meet with Recovery Girl. This time it'll be just the two of us and a gynecologist whose been sworn to secrecy. If word got out that a student at U.A. was impregnated then the whole school's reputation would become worse than it already has. I don't want to be the cause of the school's downfall.

My hands begin to sweat and I get closer and closer to her office. I'm a nervous wreck and I haven't even walked in yet. I shyly walk into the room and was immediately welcomed with comforting smiles. I sigh a little.

"Hello Midoriya, I'm Ishibashi Emiko. I've been informed about your situation and I'm here to help you through this", she says.

I smile awkwardly at her.

"Mrs. Ishibashi is going to run a few tests on you. Is that alright with you?" Recovery girl asks.

I nod.

"Good well then we better get started; but first tell me a little bit about what's been going on." Ishibashi says.

"Well my name is Izuku Midoriya, I'm 18 years old and I'm in the hero course here at U.A.," I replied.

She nods. God this is so nerve wracking. I wonder what she's thinking?

"And can you tell me if you are sexually active?"

"Umm not exactly; you see my first time was a few weeks ago, but I only did it so I could change back to my original body," I stammer.

She smiles understandingly.

"It's alright Midoriya I understand; but I have to ask you, did you use protection?"

I gulp and say "umm, n-no."

Ishibashi stops writing on her clipboard and puts her pencil down.

"Alrighty and I understand you have been experiencing certain symptoms common in pregnancy am I correct?"

Once again I nod.

"And you I was told you took three tests. Did you by any chance bring them with you?"

I look at my bag then back at Mrs. Ishibashi. I unzip the secret pouch in the inside of my bag and pull out a ziplock back with three pregnancy tests. She takes them from me and pulls them out one by one: carefully examining and writing down the results.

"Okay Midoriya so I see you've gotten two negatives and one positive. Of course this may be confusing as you are unsure which is correct. That's why I am here to help you. So if you can follow me into this room and just lie down on the table here."

I follow her and I see weird machines. I take a deep breath and get up onto the table and lie down. She has me lift up my shirt and I tense up a bit as she applies a cold gel. She tells me this gel will help prevent air pockets from forming between the skin and the ultrasound transducer. She tells me to look at the screen as she moves the doppler around my abdomen. I can hear a faint sound. I'm not sure, but it kind of sounds like a heartbeat.

She looks at me with a smile.

"Well would you look at that," she says.

I turn to look at the monitor.

"Does this mean-."

"Right there is the sack and that tiny little dot is the embryo. So to put it simply, you're pregnant."

Those words echoed in my head. I didn't know what to say. I stared into the wall in front of me: unable to hear anything anyone was saying. My mind was being drowned by the dreaded words I had just received. This can't be happening. I know I should be happy, but I'm not. All my life I've dreamed of being a hero. Being born without a quirk and being told that it wasn't possible was one of the hardest things I've ever had to endure. But that all went away when All Might showed up and he guided me and even gave me his quirk to help me become the next no. 1 hero. All my training wasted, I'm a waste o a good quirk. Night eye was right, it should've been Mirio. My head starts spinning and my vision become blurry. The next thing I know I'm in my bed with a note beside me.

Dear Midoriya,
You're probably wondering how you got here. To put it simply you spaced out once I gave the news and then passed out. You seemed to be in shock so we thought it was best to let you rest.
                                               With best regards,
                                                                 Ishibashi Emiko

I put the note down.

I still can't process this. I get up to walk around my room a bit just to keep busy. I end up in front of the mirror again. This time I lift up my shirt and look at my tiny stomach.

"I guess it's just you and me now," I say sweetly.

I rub my belly: gently caressing it as a mother would. Maybe this won't be so bad. Even if my baby does grow up without their father, I'll try and give this baby their best life. I realized I haven't told mom or All Might yet. I'm sure Recovery Girl is going to tell Aizawa Sensei. I don't think I can be in the hero course anymore if I'm giving up on being a hero. There's no point in me taking up space, but it's too dangerous for me. I couldn't possibly do my training in my condition, especially if it involves fighting.

I decide to tell mom the news. Of course she's happy for me, but she also wishes I didn't have to grow up so fast and I agree. I'm only 18 years old and I'm about to graduate from one of the greatest hero schools in the world. However, a new part of my life is about to begin. With or without Shoto I'm going to make my way in life and be the best I can be. All while caring for my lovely little one.

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