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    It has been four weeks after Todoroki and I made up. I'm now currently 23 weeks (about 6 months) pregnant, and graduation week is finally here. Starting Friday we are on our way to becoming pro heroes. Well everyone else that is. When we graduate we don't become pro right away. We have to make our debut, and that depends on the person. As for me, I am not going to become pro right away. I've decided that I'm going to focus on family, and then maybe when she is old enough to be on her own will I consider refocusing on my dream.
Time skip to the graduation ceremony

    My name was called out, I stood up, and start queuing up behind the others who have been called. Since we're a small class us students were able to go to up to the stage and receive our diploma. I went up on stage, then Principal Nezu rotates the diploma to where it faces me. I extend my left hand first, then my right hand as he hands it over, and I pull it towards me.
    I step back a bit, and exchanges bows with Principal Nezu. After that I slowly closes the diploma and fold it under my left hand before turning and walking away. This whole process was repeated with each student until we're all seated.  Principal Nezu then makes a speech, which was then followed by the head of the PTA. Once this was over our home room teacher gave us a final address before we were free to roam the school.
    I can't believe we actually did it. I glance around at the people in the room; everyone is smiling, laughing, or crying with their friends and families. I find my mom, and wrap my arms around her as she embraces me in a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you, my baby!" She cries.

We wipe our tears as she mutters sweet nothings. My hands rest on my bump, as I scan the room for someone in particular. I couldn't see him from where I was standing, but I got a text from him telling me to meet outside.

"M-mom I have something I need to do."

"Oh okay sweetie, just be careful. I'll meet you at home alright."

I nod, she gives me one last big hug, then we part ways. I start heading outside to find Todoroki. I find him waiting under a pine tree. He notices me coming for I see him straightening up. I walk up to him with a soft smile. Even though I'm still rocky about whether I should let him back into my life or not, I have to admit he looks so serene and good out here.

"Hey," he says.

"H-hey," I mutter.

He gives me a soft smile.

"So we finally did it."

"Yeah, I guess we did."

"How are you feeling?"

"Oh uh, excited I guess. And a little worried. You know about being a hero, and stuff. And becoming a parent. So-"

"What for? You've got nothing to worry about. I know you're going to be one of the best. Ever since we started here at U.A. I knew that I was dragging behind you and Bakugo. Although you're also partly the reason why I've gotten stronger, and I thank you for that." I smile. "If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be where I am now. So thank you, Izuku, I-if you'll let me call you that."

I feel the blush spread across my face. I walked closer to him, then bury my face and hands in his chest. Shocked, he takes a step back, but the places his arms around me.

"Of course you idiot," I say jokingly.

I can feel his smile radiating from his face.

"I love you Shoto."

"And I have always loved you Izuku Midoriya."

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