It's Time

587 19 9

I am now 32 weeks pregnant (about 8 months), and things are becoming much harder for me. Even though I'm at home with my mom things haven't slowed down around us. Many of my graduating class are making their debut, or signing with agencies as sidekicks. For instance, Kirishima stuck with Fat Gum's agency and Todoroki with his father's.

   It is 23 degrees (Celsius or 73 Fahrenheit) outside. I am sweating, as I clean the house waiting for my mom to return from her grocery trip. Since last night, I've been having short intense pains in my abdomen area. I'm not sure if they were contractions or not, but I didn't think of it much. Throughout the day they just kept getting worse and worse. One was so bad I cleaned against the counter to keep myself from collapsing. No one was home yet, so I just kept waiting out the pain. I go to my room to lay down thinking it was caused from being up on my feet all day. I could not fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. Since the pain wasn't subsiding I decided to start a bath. Maybe if I relaxed in warm water that would cure my cramps. Waiting for the water to fill up and get warm, I text Shoto.

Izuku: Hey

                                                       Hey :Shoto

Izuku: Are you busy?

                                                     No :Shoto

                                                    Why? :Shoto

Izuku: No reason

Izuku: no one's home and I'm having stomach pains

Izuku: do you think you could pick up some medicine?
              I'm not sure when my mom is coming back

                                                            Yeah :Shoto

                                                   I'll be there soon :Shoto

Izuku: thanks

                                                             Np :Shoto

   I place my phone on the floor next to the bath. I carefully get in a immediately feel relaxed as my body comes into contact with the warm water. I don't know why I texted him. Out of everyone I could have possibly asked to bring me medicine i asked him. Sure we're on good terms now, but I'm still skeptical of letting him into our child's life. Though in a world of heroes there's no way to completely shield her from him. I bet that once he becomes big he'll be all over the news.
   I wonder what kind of quirk she'll have? Will she have one at all? I'm getting close to my due date, and I've been preparing for her arrival. Though, she might come early seeing as I might be having contractions. I hope I'm not going into labor. I can't recall if my water broke. There was wetness on my sheets last night, but I thought I just wet myself. Although it didn't smell like pee, I just put on a pantry liner because I kept leaking. Maybe that was it. God I hope not, cause that would mean I'm in early labor, which means I would be giving birth early. Should I call my mom? Should I go to the hospital? Wait, Shoto is coming over. Shoot. Alright calm down. It's hard to be calm when these most-likely-to-be contractions keep appearing. The water is getting cold so I decide to get out, especially before Shoto comes. I unplug the tub to let the water drain, wrap a towel around my body, put my hair up in a ponytail and walk out to my room. As I'm walking out, I hear the front door open and see Shoto walk in. I freeze and clutch my towel for dear life. He sees me, and immediately looks away. He places the bag of medicine and snacks on the counter, and turns around to leave when I gasp out in pain.

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