Valentine's Day

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I'm now 20 weeks (about 5 months) into my pregnancy. It's also been over a month since I told Uraraka and Iida my secret. My belly's grown a lot since then. It's much more noticeable so I wear a customized uniform. It hides my stomach just enough, but it still fits my upper body. I wear altered pants that stretch over the bump like maternity pants, but they look like the regular school boys' pants.
My next appointment is tomorrow; I'll find out the gender of my baby. I could have found out 2 weeks ago, but school has been pretty hectic. It's getting harder and harder to hide it. It's stressing me out; on top of that everyone is preparing for graduation. It's sad to think about, but it's what's become of my situation.
Honestly, I'm considering not continuing the hero course and just graduating from general studies this year. It's really hard to think about, but realistically I don't see how I could become a hero. If I pursued my dream I would ultimately never see my child. They would be with my mom and All Might while I put myself in danger. I don't know if I could live with myself if something happened to me or them.
School is done for the day, but I decided I needed to talk to Aizawa sensei about my thoughts. I look for him in the staff room where I find a lot of other teachers, but him. I wait for him outside the door: hoping he comes by soon. It was about ten minutes before I see him and All Might coming up to the door.

"What are you still doing here?" Aizawa asks.

"I was waiting for you actually. There's something I need to talk to both of you about."

Aizawa walks me back to the classroom and I ask him my question.

"This is really hard for my to say, but it's been on my mind for a while. It's not definite, but with the current circumstances I feel like it's a better option for me and the baby."

"What are you trying to say?" All Might questions.

"I-I'm saying that maybe I shouldn't continue with the hero course next year. That I should just finish up my year in general studies, and perhaps graduate with the rest of the 3rd years," I say timidly.

I look up at them with a sad expression.

"Midoriya-," All Might starts.

"Please, I know this isn't what you wanted, but for once I'm trying to think realistically. I'm putting my life at risk by being a hero, and if something happens to me I would never be able to forgive myself. As a mother, I can't risk anything. My child is a higher priority than my dream of becoming a the no. 1 hero. I know that it means I would be a waste of your quirk and all the others that came with it, but I'm willing to pay the price. Everyday I wake up and think what if someone found out? What would I do? Well I'm tired of keeping secrets and I just want this to be all over. Hero or not, I'm going to do what's best for me and my family."

My cheeks are wet with tears. My eyes burn, and I'm shaking. These aren't just my hormones, this is my genuine feeling. They don't respond, and I'm just standing here crying like a little girl. Gosh why did everything have to be so difficult. I close my eyes hoping everything stops. The, I feel arms around my body. I open my eyes, and see that All Might and Aizawa sensei are hugging me. I hiccup as my tears come to a stop. We stay like this for a while until Aizawa speaks up.

"You've been through so much Midoriya," Aizawa remarks softly.

"We understand your worry, but in the end it's your choice. As your teachers we fully support you no matter what. Whether you decide to continue training to become the world's best hero, or if you decide to focus on your family that's okay."

"You're not a waste of a quirk; I'm glad it was you I gave One for All to. You've grown so much with it, and I'm proud of you. Although, with no successor there's no telling what might happen to One for All," All Might says.

No successor; wait a minute!

"All Might is there any way that my child could inherit One for All?!" I ask.

Both of my teachers look at me.

"I don't know, but it might be possible," All Might responds.

Now that I thin about it, this child could have a range of amazing quirks. They could have fire, ice, fire and ice, one for all, one for all and ice, one for all and fire, or one for all and fire and ice! There's also the possibility of a completely different quirk or even being born quirk less. I felt as if I was going to pass out. They must have realized what I was thinking because they hold on to me before I collapse onto the floor.
The next thing I know I'm back in my dorm.
I change into comfortable clothes, and rest back on my bed. I haven't checked my phone all day. There were lots of messages from the 1-A group chat.

Happy Valentine's Day! -Uraraka

Oh my gosh I almost forgot! -Mina

That's today? -Kaminari

Happy Valentines Day -Asui


Aww come on bro that's not cool -Kirishima

Still love you tho -Kirishima

Aww -Sero

Cute -Mina

Momo how was your date? -Jirou

It was sweet, you know, for being at school all day -Momo

Date!? Oooh spill -Mina

We need details -Hagakure


Well there's not much to tell. Sho and I just watched romantic movies in my dorm - Momo

That's it! -Mina

You guys didn't kiss? -Hagakure

Wait, I thought Todoroki-kun was dating Midoriya? -Asui

Well there was a little peck on the cheek, but that's all -monk

We were, but we uh broke up - me

What!? When did this happen? -kaminari

Are you okay? -sero

Only a peck on the cheek wtf Todoroki-kun -Mina

R u okay? -Asui

Guys I'm fine. It was mutual :) -Me

K -Asui

Does that mean you're free Midoriya ;) -Mineta

Who let him back into the group chat!? -Uraraka

It wasn't me - kaminari

God now we have to make another one -momo

Omg -Hagakure

Just leave him it's fine- Iida

I turn off my phone. So momo and Todoroki are already hitting it off huh? Well i guess it's to be expected. They did see each other behind my back before he even told me. I feel tears forming in my eyes. I try really hard to hold them, but before that happens I feel a little kick. I lift up my shirt, and place my hand on my stomach. There's another one. I smile as happy tears gently fall down my face. My baby's moving a little. The OB-GYN said that I would feel the baby's first movements at around 16-20 weeks. It's odd though cause this is my first baby so I technically shouldn't be able to feel it till around 25 weeks. Oh well, that doesn't matter to me anyways. Just knowing that there's definitely a sign of life growing inside me is enough to make me forget all my worries. Tomorrow I'll find out the gender, and tomorrow I'll have made my decision on becoming a hero or not.

I've What! ||TO BE REWRITTEN SOON||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant