It's A...

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All of my classes are done for the day, so I head back to the dorms to change into regular clothes. I put on a hoodie to mask my ever growing baby bump. Today I'm finally going to find out the gender of my baby! I'm excited, but also nervous. The school gave my mom special permission to pick me up from the school. While I wait for here to arrive, I wait I'm the commons area. There's not too many people. Some are having conversations on the couch, while some were studying, or playing games at the tables. I see Uraraka by herself on one of the couches. I go sit down next to her, so we can talk about my being pregnant.

"Hey Uraraka!" I say.

"Hi Deku? Going somewhere?" She asks.

"Mhmm I'm going to find out the gender," I whisper.

Her eyes light up.

"Oh my gosh how exciting! You better tell me when you get back," she demanded.

"Don't worry i will. I-in fact i think it's time I told the whole class about this," I confess.

"R-really!?" She gasps.

I nod. I thought about it last night, and I think it's time everyone knew. It would makes things so much easier. It's getting harder to conceal my bump, and I think it's the only way.

"But wouldn't that mean he would know?" She asks.

I don't give her a verbal answer: my eyes are enough. She grabs ahold of my hand in comfort. My phone dings, I let go of her hand, and I go outside to leave with my mom. It's been a little over a month, and I still haven't gotten over him. I've come to terms that he probably won't be in my baby's life, but part of me still wishes he was part of mine. It doesn't help that Momo is always around him laughing, smiling, and kissing him. Don't get me wrong she's really nice, and I'm glad to see her happy with someone. I just wish that that someone wasn't my ex, but there's nothing I can do. This is all Endeavor's fault. If only there was another way to file her family out of bankruptcy. My mom notices that I'm not listening to her. I've been zoning her out in my thoughts.

"Izuku, sweetie are you all right?" She questions.

I turn to her and respond, "hmm oh yeah I'm fine."

"I know that's not true. You know you can tell me anything right?"


"Aren't you excited at all?"

"Of course I am, but I don't know I'm just thinking about how I'm going to tell everyone," I say.

"It's a very hard thing to do Izuku, and I know it may seem hard at first, but trust me once you get it all out you'll feel more at ease," she says truthfully.

I give her a small smile. We arrive at the clinic, and I'm met with Dr. Ishibashi again. We all greet one another and head into the room. Dr. Ishibasi begins the ultrasound scan, and she talks me through what we're seeing. Finally she asks me if I want to find out the gender. I nod; I feel so anxious. She moves the Doppler so she can find the genitalia.

"Congratulations Izuku! You're having a baby girl!" She reports.

    A baby girl. Gosh. I can feel myself tearing up.. my eyes stare at the screen as I see my beautiful baby girl move around. I can feel my mom's hand lightly squeeze my shoulder while the other rubs my arm. She sniffles as she looks at the screen then back at me.

     The appointment was over, and Dr. Ishibashi gives me the photos of the ultrasound. It's time for my mom to take me back to school, but we sit in the car for a while reminiscing the magical experience.

"This is really happening," I say astounded.

My mom gives me a big hug.

"My baby boy is really gonna be a momma," she says tears eyed.

I've What! ||TO BE REWRITTEN SOON||Where stories live. Discover now