Sushi Roll

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Michael and Jeremy went to the local sushi restaurant. They got a table for two and ordered their food. It was clear Jeremy had something on his mind.

"Hey, dude. Are you ok?" Michael said using his inside voice.
"Yeah. Just... thinking."
"What about?"
"Life. Y'know? The future."
Michael laughed.
"Well THAT'S boring."
Jeremy flushed red with embarrassment.
"Wh-why?" He croaked.
"Why look forward when you could be here now? Look around, man! We're at our favourite food... place... thing...!"
"I guess." Jeremy's face was still a red-y pink.
"What ABOUT the future where you thinking about?"

Jeremy quickly looked around the room. His eyes darted from left to right.
"I-I... Uh..." His palms were sweaty.
"C'mon. You can tell me."
"Relationships." Jeremy blurted out.
"What?" Michael looked at Jeremy like that one meme. Which one is it again? Ah! There it is!

 Which one is it again? Ah! There it is!

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"I-I mean... I've been thinking about Christine." Jeremy fiddled with his sleeves and wiped his sweaty hands on his T-shirt.
"Oh. What about her?"
"I don't know. It's tough, y'know?"
"I wouldn't know, buddy. I'm single."
"I know! But what I mean is... I liked her! So much! And I really wanted to be with her!"
"But?" Michael inquired

"But I think I like someone else. It's weird. They were always there. Right under my nose. I just never saw them that way I guess..."

"Hm..." Michael mumbled a little. "But she's your girlfriend. What're you gonna do? Break it off on the first date? That'd be shallow."

Jeremy thought to himself.
"Ok so that's exactly what I'm NOT going to do."

"Michael?" Jeremy turned to face his friend who's mouth was full of rice, raw fish and seaweed.
"Have you ever been in this situation?"
"I feel like I'm repeating myself when I say I'm single."
"No! Not like that! I mean... Have you ever liked someone but... You just can't tell them? Because you don't want to make things awkward. So you just keep it in and bottle it up and things happen where you for instance... look each other in the eyes?"
Michael looked in shock and swallowed the food in his mouth.

"Yeah. Jeremy I think everyone has! Whoever this person is, I bet they like you back. They're probably as shy as you. But hey. No matter what, I know everything will work out and you'll be with whoever you were meant to be with. We're only seventeen. We've got time!"
Jeremy stared at Michael and zoned out in the middle of his Inspirational Speech TM.
"I've got your back! I always will."

The two went silent and stared at each other for what seemed like eternity until their bill came to the table. Michael took out his wallet and payed for all of it.
Jeremy finally spoke again. "You're sure you don't want to at least split?"
"It's totally fine! Like I said. I bet you're stressed. But it looks to me like you're feeling better now."
"You've got that right." Jeremy said smiling and blushing.

"Where's the date?" Michael asked
"The theatre. Christine has an eye on a musical she wants to see."
"So. What'll you get up to while I'm gone?" Jeremy looked over to Michael.
"I don't know. Whenever you're out somewhere, I'm either getting high or waiting for you to come back." Michael laughed in an awkward kind of way.

"Aww. You'll miss me?" Jeremy chuckled.
"Yeah. But hey. It's all good. I'll keep myself occupied. Besides. I'll always be your favowite pewson!" Michael playfully nudged Jeremy. Jeremy rubbed his arm and laughed.

"I was thinking. If I asked my moms, would you want to come over? Y'know. Sleep over? It'll be fun! We could play Apocalypse fo The Dammed all we want! I even have snacks! And just in case it comes back, Mtn Dew Red...!"

Jeremy smiled and nodded at Michael.

Jeremy paused for a moment. "Do you... think he'll come back again? The SQUIP I mean."
"No! Hell no, man...!"
"But he came back once. He could come back again."
"Maybe but I've got you, dude."

The boys stood up and walked out the restaurant. They walked down the street and to Michael's. Michael opened the door and shouted upstairs.
"Mom#1?! Mom#2?! Can Jeremy stay the night?!"

A female voice was heard distant in the house.
"Sure, son! Just be good okay?!"
Michael turned to Jeremy and let him in.
"What would you like to do first?" Michael asked.

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