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A while passed. Months in fact. Jeremy, Michael and Jessica hung out more often. They were the video game nerds who would sit around talking about how it would be if the world was in fact a video game.

Most of the time, the three of them were together. If someone wanted to find... let's say Jeremy, for example, they'd have to look for one of three people to find him. Where one of them was, the other two were. Unless of corse, when one of them were sick.

Sometimes it would be just Michael and Jessica. Sometimes Jeremy and Jessica. And the times Jeremy loved the most, just Michael and Jeremy.

Jessica seemed weird to Jeremy. It started out fine until about a month into the friendship.

When Michael and Jeremy were friends, They would sit facing each other so they could talk better and see one another. However, when they started dating, they sat next to each other so they could hold hands under the table.

It stayed like that when Jessica joined the duo. She would sit on the other side of the table, facing them where as Jeremy sat next to Michael. Soon enough somehow, Jessica ended up moving and sitting on their side-but not with Jeremy-with Michael.

Michael didn't seem bothered. Jeremy though, deep deep down, was annoyed at the girl. She understood Michael was gay. That was for certain. Jessica herself was gay too, of corse. She eyed up girls wherever the group went. So why was she always wanting to be so close to Michael?

Walking. Jeremy, then Michael, then Jessica. Sitting. Jeremy, then Michael, then Jessica.
Standing. Jeremy, then Michael, then Jessica.
It made no sense.


Jeremy had been waiting for this day to come for so long. Jessica had invited the boys to a pride parade. Jeremy had never been to one since he struggled with his sexuality for a while before coming out as bisexual.

He had stayed the night at Michael's. A year ago, Michael said that if they were to go to a parade, Jeremy could stay the night so they could get ready together in the morning. Jeremy loved time alone with his boyfriend. He felt as though Michael was his own and no one else's.

"Babe...?" Jeremy spoke.
"Yeah?" Michael smiled, painting a rainbow delicately on his right cheek.
"What do you think of Jessica?" Jeremy folded his bisexual pride flag up and packed it in his bag along with Michael's gay pride flag.
"Jess?" Michael paused for a moment. "Well I think she's really cool. Plus! She helped my buy my pride flag!"

"Really? Did she buy mine, too?"
"Hm... no. She only asked if I wanted help with mine. I said she didn't have to, but she insisted. It was really nice of her."
"Didn't you buy mine on the same shopping trip?"
"Yeah?" Michael washed his face paint brush and dipped it in some purple to touch up the bottom of the rainbow.

Jeremy went silent for what felt like an hour (ten seconds).
"Do you think she likes you?" Jeremy finally uttered the words he was scared to say for a while.
"As in like? Or like like?"
"Like like..."
"No way! We're just good friends. Besides. She's lesbian. Do I look like a girl to you?"

Jeremy smiled at Michael's rainbow and chuckled slightly.
Michael laughed as well.
"Okay. You take that back."

Michael stood up with purple still on his brush.
"Take it back, Heere!"
"I said never!"
Michael tried to pounce on Jeremy.
"Hey!" Jeremy yelled.

After a lot of struggling and laughing, Michael managed to get a purple line on his boyfriend's cheek. Michael was now on top of him as well. The boys blushed furiously.
"I win." Michael said softly.
"You always do." Jeremy looked away, obviously flustered.
"Aww. I know how I can make you feel better."
Michael kissed Jeremy and held his cheek in doing so.

"Mahal kita, Jeremy."

"Mahal d-din kita...!"

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