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Author: Sorry for another short chapter! Writer's block sucks!!

Jeremy moved his arm and continued his work. Michael saw his algebra and looked back at his note.
His heart fluttered and raced. He had to talk to Jeremy later. Unless...

Jeremy and Michael decided to go to Jeremy's that day. They walked into Jeremy's basement. Michael flopped onto a beanbag and pulled out the note.
"Hey. Jeremy? Have you got a pencil I could borrow?"
Jeremy looked confused and looked around.
"Sure?" He got a pencil and passed it to Michael.
"Thanks." Michael took the pencil and scribbled something on the back of the note. He put it back in his pocket.

Hours passed. Michael - 10 Jeremy - 3. It was obvious who the better player was. Mr. Heere walked in.

"Jeremy? Any- Oh. Hey, Michael"
"Hi, Mr. Heere."
"Still no girls. Huh, Jeremy?"
Jeremy blushed bright red.
"N-no, Dad."
Michael smiled at Mr. Heere.
"I like the khakis, sir."
"Thank you, son. They're from-"
"Cole's." Michael interrupted. "Nice choice."
Mr. Heere and Michael shared a chuckle.
"By the way." Mr. Heere spoke. "Michael, your parents want you home."
"Oh. Alright, Mr. Heere. I'll be gone soon."

Mr. Heere stood and left the room.

"I don't want you to go yet..." Jeremy whined. "I love spending time with you!" He groaned.
"Aww. Thanks, bud." Michael laughed and gave Jeremy a high-five on the way out. Jeremy soon found that he was holding the note he slipped in Michael's locker.

"Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I knew you liked girls,
but I didn't think you'd like me, too.
I've always wanted to be more.
but I was always scared to open that door.
How about tomorrow? Maybe we could start.
Because you were the one who always stole my heart."

Jeremy was left speechless.

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