The Freak's Freaking Out

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Jeremy squealed and jumped for joy.
The boy flopped onto the beanbag and exhaled happily. He couldn't believe this.

Michael was at home in his bedroom now. He grabbed his pillow and put it over his face.
"Why am I so gay?!" He said to himself and blushed heavily. He'd never had the courage to do anything like that before! Especially to the boy he's liked since... well forever! "What now?" He thought. He picked up his phone and texted Jeremy.

Jeremy got a text. He picked up his phone and read it. He was filled with joy when he realised who it was. Player 1. He went onto his contacts and changed the name.

Player 1 💕: Hey, Jeremy!

Jeremy's heart fluttered and sped up.

Player 2 ❤️: Hey! x

Michael saw the kiss and somehow blushed more

Player 1 💕: Did you get my note?
Player 2 ❤️: Yeah!

The conversation on Jeremy's side was mostly typing something and then deleting it, followed by more typing and deleting and... you get the picture.

Player 2 ❤️: So... what does this mean, then? "How about tomorrow, Maybe we'll start"?

Michael put his phone down and took a deep breath.

Player 1 💕: Seven Eleven tomorrow? Just me and you?

Player 2 ❤️: You mean same as always?

Player 1 💕: No! Well... not exactly.

Player 2 ❤️: Then... what do you mean?

Michael smiled as he got a thought.

Player 1 💕: Sev' Elev' @ 4:30. It's a date. 💘

Author: Yet ANOTHER short chapter! Sorry! But hey! I just noticed I got to over 100 reads!! I know that may not be many to others but it's a lot to me! Thank you!

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