Keep Your Enemies Closer

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"M-Michael...?" Jeremy spoke to himself through tears. He then stormed off to first period. A lesson with his so-called boyfriend. Jeremy was there first. Then Michael came in. His eyes widened and lit up when he saw his Player 2 ❤️ was in school. He ran over and sat with him.

"Hey, Jere!" He chimed.
"Hi." Jeremy turned away and opened his book.
"Are you ok?"
Jeremy huffed and got his pen out.
"Jeremy...? What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Jeremy's words were almost as short and snappy as Rich while he still had his SQUIP. Michael was taken aback.
"Are you sure? Something seems-"
"Everything's fine apart from being sick for the past few days, having to walk to school because my boyfriend didn't pick me up, and then seeing said boyfriend hugging a girl!!!"
"What? Jeremy-"
"Who was that?!"
"I thought you were GAY!"
"I AM!"
"Then who was it?!"
"My FRIEND, Jessica!"
"Why were you hugging like that?!"
"She's also GAY!"

The room went silent. Michael looked distressed and Jeremy blushed from
embarrassment. And the rest of the room? They were staring in shock.

"A-and why didn't you pick me up...?"
"You didn't text or call... And your dad didn't tell me... I thought you were still sick..."

They both sat silently for the rest of the lesson until finally, Michael spoke up.
"Jeremy...? Did you really think I'd cheat on you...? Or lie about being gay...? Or...."
"No... I didn't believe it when I walked in and saw that..."
"Then why-"
"I got scared... I don't want you to leave me..."

Michael held Jeremy's hand under the table.

"I'm never leaving you."

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