Two Bros

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4:30 pm. On the dot. The funny thing about this whole thing was that Jeremy was late for his date with Christine, but there was no way he was going to be late to this. Never in a million years.

"Jeremy! Hey!" There Michael was, walking up to Jeremy waving his hand in the air.
"H-Hey, Michael!" Jeremy blushed and smiled. Michael blushed back in return. He's never loved anyone so much in his life. From his freckles to the way he stuttered when he was nervous. Which was a lot in this case.

"S-so... This isn't hanging out?" Jeremy asked.
"I guess not." Michael responded.
"Then... how is it different...?"
Michael looked around and held Jeremy's hand. Their fingers intertwined and they flushed bright red in unison. Jeremy squeezed Michael's hand.
"You don't have to be nervous, Jer."
"I-I'm not nervous! Who said I'm nervous?!"
Michael chuckled.
"No one. But I can tell."
"From your sweaty palms."

Jeremy's eyes widened and he pulled his hand away. He wiped it on his pants and looked away. He slowly touched Michael's pinkie finger with his own, wondering if it was alright to hold hands again. Michael wrapped his little finger around Jeremy's and smiled as their hands met again.

The rest of that date was a dream come true for both of the boys. They got slushies and walked around for a while until they found a cafe. Michael got a mocha while Jeremy got a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream (which of corse, he got on the top of his lip and his nose).

"Jeremy." Michael sniggered.
"Hm?" Jeremy's head rose from behind his mug.
"You've got cream on your nose." Michael smiled. Jeremy blushed and tried to get it.
"I've got it." Michael said, leaning over the table. He kissed Jeremy on the nose. The whole world stopped for a moment.

Jeremy freaked out for the second time that week.
"OMG did he actually do that?! OMGOMGOMG! That was so smooth! Does he actually love me?!"
Michael waved his hand in front of Jeremy's face.
"Jere? Dude? You there?" He laughed.
"YES! YES I'M HERE!" Jeremy blurted out.

It got to the end of the date after four hours of pure heaven.
"Jeremy?" Michael smiled, still holding Jeremy's hand.
"Yes, Micha?"
"Did your dad drive you here?"
"Yeah! Thanks to you, he drives everywhere now!" He smiled at his friend.
"Well he doesn't have to pick you up. I'll drop you off at home!"
Jeremy's eyes lit up.
"Really?! I'd love that!"

They got into the car.
"So.." Michael said softly. "Would you maybe... like to go out again sometime?"
"O-on a date?"
Michael nodded. Jeremy rested his head on the driver's shoulder.
"I'd love that. Um... Micha?"
"Are we... boyfriends now?"
Michael blushed and looked out of the window.
"Yeah. Yeah we are." He looked down at his new boyfriend. Jeremy sat up and stared into Michael's brown eyes.

Their lips met.

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