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Leo stood in the middle of her room, in nothing but her chemise, her thoughts going a million miles a minute. She stretched her arms over her head and groaned in pleasure as she felt the kinks that had formed from sleeping badly the night before release from her back and shoulders.

She walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out her armored suit, running the slightly shiny, tough material between her fingers. It didn't look like much, but it had served her well for years. It was Elven designed and Faerie made, and had stood up to some of her toughest battles. She ran a finger over the stitching on the left shoulder, where her battle with the werewolf had left the fabric slightly torn, and then slipped it on, feeling how well the material laid against her skin.

She examined her reflection in the mirror and nodded her head. "I've missed you, old friend." She said under her breath as she ran her hands up the armor. Since they had reached Camelot, she hadn't worn it, deciding instead to spend her time in simple breeches and tunics, but it felt good to have it back on against her skin.

She pulled her dark hair back up into her customary ponytail and then slipped the sheathed Megil over her head and adjusted the straps comfortably across her chest.

She left the room, her boots clacking quietly on the tile floors, and headed toward the dining room, where she could hear voices.

She pushed through the heavy oak doors and was surprised to see everyone, except Meliodas, Arthur, and the Holy Knights, gathered around the large table, plates of food in front of them.

She took the empty seat next to Ban, who had a mouthful of lamb, and asked, "What's going on? Don't we leave soon?"

"Yeah, but this is our Last Supper of sorts." Ban spoke through his mouthful of food, spraying crumbs on the table in front of him. He pushed a plate of food in front of her as he ripped into another leg of lamb. "Come on, L. Eat up."

King spoke from across the table. "We figured, since according to Gowther, there's a high chance we won't all make it back from this, that we should have a Last Supper before heading out to die." He spoke in a bored tone, and picked at his teeth with a thin chicken bone as he lounged back on his pillow.

Leo noticed Elizabeth, who sat next to Merlin and Diane at the window, and was surprised to see her there and not with Meliodas. "Princess. What are you doing here? Is the captain letting you accompany us?"

Elizabeth gave her a small smile. "He didn't want to, but I convinced him that I will stay back with Diane and simply be there if someone needs immediate healing."

Ban nudged Leo in the side with his elbow as he swallowed the food that was in his mouth. "Now come on, you were late to the party, so you almost missed all the fun, L."

"Mmm." Leo mused, glancing over at him, her eyebrows raised. "You know me better than that, Foxy. I don't really do 'fun.'"

"Oh, come on, Leo! Just play along. We all did it." Diane called over from the window where she was crouched, looking in. She sent her a pleading look. "Please?"

Leo sighed in exasperation and set down her fork. "I'm not saying yes yet. What's this game you were playing then? Care to explain?"

King rolled over on his pillow, meeting her irritated gaze. "It wasn't a game. This is our Last Supper. And in case some of us don't come back, we all decided we would tell one thing to the others that we had always wanted to tell someone, but never did until now."

Leo raised an eyebrow at him and then glanced at the others. "And you all did this?"

Diane spoke up again. "Yeah! We had just gotten to Ban when you walked in. All the rest of us already went though."

Lion Sin of Pride (Ban x OC)Where stories live. Discover now