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Merlin and Gowther left without a word, headed into the trees ahead of where Diane would be. Once they disappeared from sight, only Leo and Ban were left, the silence between them only filled with the patter of the rain hitting the leaves of the trees.

Finally, Leo unsheathed Megil and, turning to Ban, said, "Well, shall we go then?"

He strode past her without answering, and she hurried to keep up with his long strides as he walked into the dark shadows under the trees' canopy. She kept slightly behind him, keeping an eye on the terrain behind them as they made their way through the close trunks of the trees.

When they reached the area the captain had marked for them on the map back at the castle, Ban slouched down against one of the tree trunks, putting his hands behind his head, nonchalantly crossing his boots over each other. He closed his eyes, ignoring her altogether as she walked into the clearing after him.

Leo rolled her eyes. What an ass. She scouted around the clearing for a sturdy tree that would give her a good view of the area in front of them, where Meliodas and Arthur would be, and then climbed up the branches with ease. She reached the top of the tree and holding onto the trunk, leaned out over the canopy of leaves to see if she could see any lights in the distance.

She scanned the black horizon, but didn't see anything headed their way yet. She climbed back down the large tree and when she was still aways from the ground, dropped down from the branch she had been holding and landed silently and lithely on her feet.

She straightened from her crouch and stretched her arms over her head, letting out a long sigh as she glanced over at Ban again, who hadn't moved from his relaxed position.

She walked around the clearing a few times, trying to pass time, but eventually got bored of the silence and the blackness and came back to Ban. She stood in front of him for a moment and then kicked the bottom of his boot with her foot.

"Foxy. We need to get ready."

He cracked one eye open slightly to look at her for a brief moment and then shut it again, adjusting his position a bit. Finally, he said, "Do you see any giants here yet?" He opened his eyes again and glared at her, coming to his feet. "No? Then leave me the hell alone until they are here."

He pushed past her and Leo felt the anger begin to bubble in her chest. Okay, so she had kept a secret from him. But she had done it because she didn't want to hurt him! And this is how he was treating her? Well, she was sick of it.

She spun around on her heel and glowered at his retreating back. "Hey!" He stopped, but didn't turn to look at her. She stalked toward him. "Stop being an ass, Ban!" She shoved his back hard, but he must have heard her approach him, because he adjusted his balance so as not to stumble, taking a few steps forward before turning back to face her.

He glared at her. "Me? I'm not the ass here." His voice was hot with agitation and anger.

She noted the emotions, but felt no fear or hesitation. If he was angry, she was just as full of rage. She could match him mark for mark. No doubt about that.

"Oh, so I am?" Leo put her hands on her hips, tossing her hair over her shoulder, her eyes burning with rage. "Tell me, Ban. Why am I the ass? Because I kept a secret from you that I knew would hurt you?"

He took a step toward her and jabbed a finger at her. "I can handle it. But you not telling me at all? For how many years? That's something I can't forgive."

Leo rolled her eyes angrily. "Really? You can't forgive the fact that I wanted to protect you? Because I care about you? Is that going to be my sin now, Ban? The fact that I care too much about my friends?"

Lion Sin of Pride (Ban x OC)Where stories live. Discover now