Chapter Three: Feelings From the Force

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"What is it, father?" asked Cade.

Cade's father sat beside him on his bed.

"We are moving forward with our timetables of you and other Apprentices becoming Jedi Knights," said Kol Skywalker.

"I know," said Cade. "My master has informed me of this."

Kol nodded. "You are very intelligent son, the best Padawan we have. So I'm sure you must know that this means you will be spending even more time with Wolf."

"Yes," Cade agreed. "He will be taking me on more difficult missions, maybe outside of Ossus."

"Which is why I am trying to warn you. Do not be surprised if you cannot fulfill the promise you just made to that girl in here."

"Her name is Azlyn," Cade scowled, "and if she needs help, I'll help her."

"There is a time in a young Jedi's life when they have to focus on themselves. You are very selfless son, and that is good. But to continue to be the best, you must put everything into what you do."

Cade narrowed his eyes. "So I am just supposed to let her struggle?"

Kol sighed. "There are people whose jobs are to help her. You are not one of those people. You are still an Apprentice yourself, and there is no shame in letting someone more experienced than yourself help the girl out. As I've said, you may be off-world often. You will be accompanying your Master at most times, and you will rarely see anyone you might have known during your time as an Initiate."

"I won't see her anymore?" Cade was somewhat taken aback. He wasn't ready for this.

"Very rarely, if at all. Will that be a problem?"

The only answer to that question was 'no, not at all', but Cade wasn't in the best of moods. "Yes, actually. Azlyn is my friend, and I..."

"You what?" interjected Kol, his tone raising. "Love her? I will remind you that love against the Jedi Code and  not one of the Jedi values. At least, not that kind of love."

"I don't care about the Jedi Code!" Cade exclaimed. "l just want to be normal for once!"

"You are not training in the Jedi Order to be normal!" Kol matched his son's tone. "You are training to become extraordinary, to become the protector the galaxy needs, to bring balance to the force!"

Cade brought down his voice level, bringing it almost to a whisper. "And what if I say I don't want to be any of those things."

Kol turned his back and headed out the door, saying, "Then maybe you aren't a Skywalker after all."

Cade groaned and ran his hands through his hair, barely having time to feel sorry for himself before his gauntlet lit up with an orange color. Cade sighed and swiped it upward, resulting in a hologram of Wolf Sazen appearing.

"What is it, Master?" asked Cade.

"We will leave tomorrow for your first off-world mission. We will be travelling to Wayland, and I'll explain the details later."


"Yes. Meet me at sunrise at the ship, the Celador Sash. It will be just me, you, and other one of my Apprentices, Shado Vao."

"You have another Padawan?"

"Yes, I recently became his Master after... it doesn't matter. Just, be there tomorrow."

"I will."

Cade swiped back down on the white gauntlet on his arm and Sazen's hologram disappeared. Cade got up and went into the main room where his father stood, deep in thought.

"I got my first mission outside of Ossus," Cade said, leaning back against a wall.

Kol looked up. "Already? That's exciting."

Cade nodded, which was followed by an awkward silence.

"Cade?" Kol spoke up.


Kol shifted his feet before looking Cade straight in the eyes. "I'm proud of you son. I'm proud of how far you've come, no matter what happens next. I hope you know that."

Cade just nodded, wondering where all the sentimentality had come from, and where it had been moments earlier.

"So whatever your choice is, I want you to know that you'll always be my son, you'll always be a Skywalker."

Cade smiled, but then the words hit him. "What choice?"

"The choice that all men have to make. It's on its way, I know it and I think you do too. Or perhaps you've already chosen, and it's matter of if your choice will stay the same."

Cade hated the mysteries that surrounded the Order. "What are you talking about?"

Kol shook his head. "I'm sorry. It doesn't matter right now. I just want you to know you're my son, and nothing can change that."

"Are you feeling something?" Cade asked. "From the force?"

Kol hesitated, then nodded. "It's strong, and it's dangerous."

"But it could be nothing..."

"I suppose."

Cade knew he wasn't fooling his father. Even Cade knew that feelings from the Force were never just nothing.

"Anyway," Kol's voice returned to normal, "good luck on your mission. I know you'll do well."

Cade smiled. "Thank you, father."

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