the meeting of two new friends

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its so cold its so cold i cant brets it hurts i cant move wh....what is happening to me why am i here were am i i feel so cold i want to go home i'm sacred i'm scared to die i don't want to die pleas i don't want to die god pleas let me live please .hey.... hey you ok little girl you ok hey. please help me i send in a scared voes. i fell unconcern's and i Wake up to a strange place. were am i. i send in a soft whisper your at my House you fell unconcern so i brought you here. send a guy handing me a cup of tea. here drank this you'll feel a lot better . i look at my cup of tea and was thinking if i shunt drink it or not . the guy look at me and send with a smile it ok i didn't do any thing to it so it ok for you to Drake the tea. i keep looking at my cup of tea and i sated to drink it it make me feel better like I'm all warm and fuzzy in side. the guy look at my and send with a gig see do you feel better now i none my Head and the guy gave me a smile and send that's good I'm glad your feeling better. i smiled back at him. Thar was a little moment of silents and then the guy send . what is your name. i look at him and send vary softly my name is may what yours. he look back at me as he was inbarist and send my name is zero and i hop we can be Friends. hay i hop we do i send in a kind voes. saying to my self (that's how it all started how me and zero meet and i became his friend and he became my friend so so glsd that i don't feel scad any more i feel so safe around him and i hop it staes that way for every)

( one day later)

the next morning i woke up i remeberd that i was in zero's houe's because i pass out in the cold winter snow i smiled and started to blush after a wiel i sat up in his bed look out the window and i hred zero come in form out sied. i was happy that he was back and i tried to run tord him but when i got out of the bed i felt dizzy a pass out i'm guessing zero ran tors me beace i can here is foot steps rung and getting closer to me as i was fading to the dark blackness i can here zero saying may may you ok may that all i hered until i was in the full blackness after a wal i woke up in his bed with him siting right beside the bed waiting for me to Wake up i send in a vary weak voes "what happened to me zero" .he answer in a vary sad voes like he was sacred that i had died i. "you pass out agent may" he got up and walked to me and slowly rap his soft gentle arms around me i was surprised when zero just walk up and hug me that i stare to feel my face getting red and send too my self "oh what sued i do"

(well that it for this chapter i hop you guys like my book if you did or didnt pleas leaf a commet well see you guy in the next chapter bye)

the cold of winter daysWhere stories live. Discover now