me and zero and the back to school drama

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i can feel my face geting reder and reder zero look at me and saw that my face was red. i look back at zero and all of the suden he sat right next to me puting his head on my solder "ummmm zero what are you doing" he smiled and saind "i waned t to sit next to you" a few mints later zero is still siting next to me and i lookd at him and saw that he had fell asleep. " ahhhh he fell a sleep no no no this cant be happing right now i have to get away from him or im going to faent" i tryed to get away from zero but i cont get away from him so i gave up and all of a sund zero fell back on to the bed taking me with him. "were too clos to zero way to cloes were so cloes" and zero just hug me cleoser and closer "i have to get away" but a few mintes later i fell asleep in zero amrs " ahhhh so warm"

the next moring i waek up and zero was in the kichun makeing brefckst for me and him " hay may you ready to go back to scool" ya it fally warme anuf for me to go back to school" i said with a smile zero look for a secnt and saind "oh ya you dont go to school dring the winter beaces of your sickness" and smiled back at me yes I wish that my sickness will go away that way I can spend more time with you zero I said as I feel my face getting red .I look up at zero and saw his face went all red "hey may let get to school ok " ok zero .I went up to my room got dress for school and head out with zero .as we we're walking to school a gorp of girls srownded zero "hey zero" said one girl "good morning zero" said a nether girl one girl look at me and said "hey zero how is this girl said a girl with long brown hair and light blue eyes "ummm my names is May " I said in a shy voice "I'm the new girl at your school" oh so you zeros sister uh said the girl "no I'm not his sister I just a friend of zero "oh I see I gess we'll see you later then . after they were done talking the gorp of girls walked off with zero and I walked to school alone "if this is going to be a bad school year"

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