in the class room

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"ummm class we have a new stuntend today this is may- chan please be nice to our new class mate. may do you want to say some thing to the class " yes i hop we all can be friendes" i said with a cute slime on me face. "wow the new girl is really cute" one boy said to the guy next to him "ya shes a real hot" said anther boy " well may-chan please take a seat" said the teacher pointing to the desk next to zero "ok" i take my seat next zero and stard out the windo next to me after class was over it was lunch time i opend my lunch box as i sat in the class but zero wasnt with me he said that he had to buy his lunch and he'll be right back after a while some boys in my class were walking to me when hey got to my seat they grab some a desk seat around me and sat with me and started asking me questions " hey your really cute" ummm ' hay can you sit next to me in the next class " no i...." hey want to come to my place to day" no i have to go home after school " come on come hang with us it will be fun" no i... ummm i can't. i can't say anything i was so scard .zero please help me " hay guys leave her alone got that cant you see your scaring her" zero !!!! "dam lets leave "

after that me and zero walk home " ummm hey zero thank you for helping me" "your welcome just be more careful ok " said zero with his face a little red " ok zero". I say as I'm grabbing his hand ."I'll be more careful .

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