• Valentine's Day •

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Natalie was feeling sad, tomorrow was Valentine's Day. Shawn and her had broken up earlier this year and she was pretty heartbroken over it. However, David did not want to see her sulk over her loser of an ex boyfriend (as he thought).

David decided to plan something for Natalie, even if at this point they were only "just friends" even though he wishes they could be so much more. Every time he's with her he feels as if everything is right in the world, she was his muse and he was definitely the happiest when she was around. David decided to take her out to dinner and see a movie after, just the two of them.

"Natalie!" David yelled out to the sad girl in the room. "Yeah?" she yelled back. "Can you come here for a moment?"

He heard her shuffling around and saw her come out of her room looking as beautiful as ever. "What's up?" she asked.

"So it's Valentine's Day tomorrow and I know you and Shawn were super special about this day but I was wondering if you wanted to go have dinner or something and then catch a movie? To take your mind off things you know.." David asked nervously, fiddling with his hands.

Natalie's face brightened, and she said "Yeah that would be cool, I'd love to." She smiled at David and he was beyond excited replying with a simple "great."

*Valentine's Day*

"Are you ready Natalie?" asked David from his room. "Yeah just give me a sec!" she yelled from her room. David walked out of his room in a black button down shirt and black skinny jeans and sat down on the couch waiting for Natalie. He was playing with the rings on his hand when he heard Natalie say, "Let's go."

He looked up to see her and there she was in all her glory, wearing a beautiful black silky dress hugging her curves in all the right places and somewhat short showing off her amazing legs. David had the breath taken out of him. He said breathlessly, "Um yeah, uh, let's- let's go."

They had gone out to dinner at some great restaurant in LA and then they caught a movie, David was happy as can be. He really wanted to tell Natalie how he was feeling and how he's felt for a while now but he was extremely nervous. They got home, Natalie still talking about how great the movie was and David smiling and agreeing with her. They both got home extremely tired and just sat on the couch debating on what to watch on TV.

"Natalie?" asked David. "Yeah?" she answered back smiling. "Um well, I've been trying to tell you for some time now and I think I finally have the guts to tell you.." Natalie was getting anxious, she didn't know if this would be good or bad. "Well," he continued, "I think I like you, as in like you more than a friend.." Silence followed suit. Natalie laughed after the silence, "You think you like me?" David blushed, and responded, "No! Um I know I like you and it's totally okay if you don't feel the same way I know I just dropped it on you at a weird time.." Natalie just smiled at him and said nothing, she gave him a hug.

After some time of awkward silence she said, "Can I think about this? I just don't know how to feel right now and with the Shawn situation.. I'm not sure. Can I get back to you?"

"Yes, yes it's totally fine. Take all the time you need." said David, smiling nervously. Natalie got up and walked to her room.

*Few weeks later*

It's been a couple of weeks since David had told Natalie how he felt, and she was super happy when she had told him. She had always felt something for him whether she wanted to admit it or not. She just didn't know how to handle it. It's been an awkard few weeks between the two and she was ready to put an end to it, she wanted to tell him the day after he had confessed but she thought it was too soon. She decided she was going to talk to him now. It was a lonely Wednesday anyway and she thought this would be a great time.

     "David?" she called out. "Yeah? I'm in the bathroom." he responded. "Can you see me in my room after?" Natalie was freaking nervous, and when he said yes she went into her room to freak out some more, she was pacing everywhere. David came in and asked if everything was okay since she looked nervous. "Okay so I just wanted to tell you that I-I.. I like you more than a friend. I have for a while now and I was just nervous to tell you because I didn't know how to handle it or how to approach you. I don't know if you still like me or if you wanna make this work I don't know." David looked at her in shock, stood up and approached her and said, "Of course I wanna make this work. You are literally all I think about everyday." Natalie was ecstatic, she went up to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and told him how happy she was to hear that.

     "So let's make this work?" asked David. Natalie nodded, and thought about the Valentine's Day that changed it all.

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