Chapter Four

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"So you're sure you're over him now, for real this time?", Alexis crosses her arms and raises one eyebrow at me.

"Yes, for real this time", I assure her.

A few days after the party she reached out to me and apologized. I forgave her, since she was drunk and I know she meant no harm.

"I'm glad to hear that, now we can finally move on and start scoping other guys out", she grins.

"Woah slow down, I said I'm over him not that I'm ready to go through the whole process again."

"Oh well, you'll be my wing woman then", she shrugs.

"Hey guys", Celina joins us.

"Hey girl! What's been going on with you", Alexis asks her.

"Complicated to be honest", Celina's the type fo girl who keeps to herself, she does tell us what goes on with her life but very vaguely at this point we've gotten used to it. Sometimes we get texts from her saying how everything's messy and lots of shit is happening she never actually informs us on what's going on, but we've accepted that.

"Raine don't look now, but Ryder's right over there", she warns me.

"Nah, our girl's over him! Right Loraine?", her words ring in my ears.

I take a second to collect my thoughts before replying.

"Yeah, totally", I firmly reply, and while Celina was very vaguely catches Alexis on what's been going on with her, I turn around and sneak a peak at Ryder, he's laughing and messing around with his friends. For a brief moment I wanted him to look at me and smile but I snapped myself out of that horrendous thought and started listening in on what Celina was saying.

"That's called a bell guys, it's to alert you that your classes start now", I remind my gossiping friends.

"Buzzkill", Alexis rolls her eyes sarcastically.

"Love you too babe", I blow her a kiss and Celina giggles.

The day goes by and at last the final bell rings for the day.

When I reach home, my parents are sitting in the living room cuddling while watching a movie.

"Hi sweetie, how was school?", my mother asks.

"It was as good as it can be I guess."

"Your mother and I are invited to dinner feel free to order something for yourself, there's money on the shelf over there", my father suggests.


I head on upstairs to my room, I'm an only child so it's just me here. I take a quick shower and decide to do a little homework before sketching.

I love to sketch and paint, it's the only thing that can really take my mind of things, besides reading a good book. I have some really great work done, some paintings are hung in my room and other various of rooms in the house. I've sold a few to family and relatives, and I have a portfolio of my sketches.

Roses are my favorites things to sketch, I just have a deep love for them, eyes are my other favorite things to sketch.

After sketching for about what feels like a few minutes when in reality in was two whole hours, I finally decide to order some Mc Donalds, you can never really go wrong with them.

Once the order arrives and I am completely full, I tidy a bit around the house before going to bed.

The week flies by pretty quickly, and in all that time my mind had rarely wandered off to Ryder. We snuck each other a few short glances but nothing of importance. I think he's just in shock that I've stopped trying to make conversation with him and the fact that I don't look at him as much. I've caught him looking at me a few times before but with the corner of my eye, so that he wouldn't know that I was able to see him, but it was nothing that I could decipher and nor did I want to. I am officially done with him, for good this time.

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