Chapter Seven

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I start my day by getting out my books to study. This is the end of the year finals and nothing should keep me distracted, I need to be able to do well on the tests.

Algebra is my first test so I decide to study that first. It's the only subject I can study without getting bored, for me it passes time and sometimes I enjoy solving algebraic equations. I sit on my bed and start.

Soon I reach a chapter that requires the use of a calculator and that's when I look over to my desk and see Ryder's calculator on it. He lent it to me for one of my exams to use since I didn't have one. I must've forgotten to give it back to him, just go give it to him now and go get a new one my subconscious obnoxiously states. She has a point, I should head over to some super market and get a new one, it's not very hard to find.

So that's what I do. I go and change into some decent looking clothes and head over to the super market down the street.

"I'm going to go down to the super market!", I announce while going downstairs.

"Need anything?"

"No thank you honey!", my mom calls back.

When I reach to the super market, I have a flashback of when me and Ryder came here. He stole some gum and a bottle of water for me, he got caught and when he ran out of the store he took my hand in his and ran with me following behind him. I shake off the memory and walk inside.

I ask for the stationary section and thats where I'm lead to. There are a few calculators to pick from, there's the normal ones which don't really do much and thats not what I'm looking for. I find two other kinds one that has a few buttons that help and another one which is way more advanced and has everything on it. I chose the advanced one, guaranteed it's much more expensive but it might come in handy in the future.

When I arrive back home both my parents are gone, assuming they went to work already. I continue studying, but I keep looking over at his calculator its annoying me, for gods sake just go give it to him and continue studying this is an important test my subconscious drops in.

I can't face him especially not after yesterday with what Alexis told me. He doesn't need it, I bet he hasn't even noticed it's still with me. I clear my mind off of it and resume my studies.

My studying is interrupted by the grumbling of my stomach. I check my phone for the time at see that its already five o'clock. Wow I hadn't realized that I had been studying for over three hours. My parent's probably left money for me again since my mom is barely ever home to cook.

I place my order from a sushi place next to my house so it can arrive quickly since I'm starving. It doesn't take very long to come which is good.

After I finish eating I tidy around the kitchen a little bit and head back up to my room. First thing my eyes dart to is the calculator and before I can sense what I'm doing I grab it. It has his initials on it and a heart next to it which I drew.

Without even having just a second to think this through I am out the door and find myself headed to his house.

His house is a bit far I'm going to lie, but my car is in maintenance and I can't stand to look at this calculator anymore. I make sure to also get my headphones and pepper spray just in case.

In twenty minutes I find myself standing outside his apartment wondering if this is something that I should do, is it worth it seeing his face again just for this stupid calculator? With no answer I enter inside the building, into the elevator, press the floor number which he's on, and walk to his door.

Ryder lives alone, his parents are divorced and if I had to find someone else who is even worse than he is it would be his father, from what I heard about him. It's funny how he hates the man when he's so similar to him, doing what he did and what he still does. His mother lives with her new husband and Ryder does not what to intrude on her by living with her and her husband, he also isn't really comfortable with it so he has a small apartment supplied by him while his father helps out a little bit.

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