Chapter Eleven

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While I'm on the way back home, I get a call from Aiden and without thinking I answer.


"Hey Raine", he says through the speaker of the car.

"Hey Aiden what's up?"

"I was thinking of passing by your house and picking you up to watch a movie, you haven't been replying to my texts all day I'm guessing you're really deep in those books huh?".

Shit, I hadn't noticed it's already six o'clock it's been two and a half hours since I saw Aiden . If I tell Aiden where I really was all day I know that it'll hurt him and he'll think that I still have feelings for Ryder, the apartment was bad enough.

"Raine you there?", he ask and I snap out of my thoughts.

"Uh I think I'm going to have to pass it's been a really long day and I think I'm just going to make myself a sandwich and call it a day", I tell him with so much guilt on my shoulders.

"Oh, well that wasn't the answer I was really going for but ok whatever you want", this isn't fair to him he's asked me twice to hang out today and I rejected him and ended up staying with Ryder, he doesn't deserve this.

"But your idea sounds way better, pick me up around an hour and a half I still have some concepts I want to finish", I change my mind.

"Great, I'll be there no later than eight."

"Later", I say and end the call with a huge sigh. I'm going to really have to go all in tomorrow with my studies.

I step on the gas and hurry back home in time to change for my date with Aiden, at least thats what I think it is.

As my luck would have it there's lots of traffic due to an accident that occurred. It's going to take me at least another half hour to get home. I might not even have time to change.

After thirty five minutes I arrive home and rush upstairs to fix myself. Aiden's going to be here any moment now. I grab my perfume and spray myself to hide the smell of gas which has attached itself on me due to the fact that I spent half the day at a car repair shops. I have time to change out of my shirt and into a new one. I look in the mirror to see if I look somewhat presentable and I realize that my hair needs immediate attention which I soon then fix.

I am startled by a car horn that is parked outside my house. It's his BMW again, I think it's his favorite car. I run down the stairs and skip the last two steps.

"Hey", I pant. I'm really out of shape.

"Hey", he says back but in a less cheery tone than he usually does.

"Is everything okay?", I say as a fasten my seatbelt.


"You sure?"

"Where do you want to go?", he completely ignores my question.

"Um you said something about watching a movie."

"Right", something is definitely off he doesn't seem like himself. Did something happen?

The whole car ride is silent. I try making conversation but he just shoots every single one down. When we arrive at the theater he doesn't even say anything, he just turns off the engine and exits the car. What is up with him?

"What do you want to watch?", he asks me on the way inside without even looking at me.

"Anything I don't mind."

"What do you want to eat?", he asks me but in the way that shows uninterested, like he's interested in a different question.

"Just popcorn and water for me, I'll be paying though."

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