Chapter Six

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"Dang girl!", were both Alexis' and Celinas reaction after filling them in on what happened the other day with Aiden.

"We've been texting and talking non stop", I add.

"Well I, for one, am happy for you that you found a guy like him someone who deserves you", when those words left Celinas mouth it was the first time I was reminded of Ryder since my day with Aiden.

"I feel happy", it's like I can breathe again without having to worry anymore, not worry about what Ryder's doing or who, focus on Aiden Loraine.

"Speaking of the handsome rich prince, he's calling you", Alexis hands me my phone from her hands.

"You know I don't care about that shit."

"That's why he will fall deeply for you", Celina winks and I roll my eyes and answer his call.

"Hey", I leave the room for some privacy and my nosy friends groan.

"How are you", he asks.

"Fine how about you?"

"I don't want to bore you with small talk I know you hate it", I really do, "I was thinking maybe we could go grab lunch together", my heart leaps from excitement.

"That sounds nice."

"Great, where do you want to eat?"

"Wherever you want."

"I was thinking maybe—" , then I am quick to interrupt him.

"Do you mind eating at Mc Donalds?", I really hope he doesn't mind it he's probably used to fancier heather shit, what was I thinking, ugh.

"Perfect, I'll pick you up in an hour or so?"

"See you then."

When I get back to my bedroom, both Alexis and Celina are laying down flat with their heads supported by their hands and swaying their feet in the air.

"Did someone just get asked out on a date?", Celina asks as she raises both her eyebrows repeatedly.

"It's just two friends hanging out", I say causally.

"We're helping you get read for this so called hangout", Alexis uses air quotes for the word 'hangout'.

"You guys are so annoying, but come on help me!", I yelp.

"On it", they both say in unison.

They quickly jump out of my bed and rush to my closet deciding on what I should wear to this hangout. Is it a hangout or date? I prefer being asked in person on a date. Soon after picking an outfit, a causal yet super cute outfit, they help with my makeup.

"Not too heavy, light natural makeup please!", I give out hundreds of notes to my friends, "make sure it looks effortless!"

"Stop freaking out we know what to do, we are trained woman!"

I love my friends.

"Okay okay, just add lipgloss for a popping effect."

"Thanks guys."

"Oh god he's calling", and for some reason I start to freak out.

Alexis grabs my both my arms with her hands and says, "breathe babe, you got this."

I nod.

"Hey I'm outside your house."


"You guys know the way out", I give my friends a wink and they wave goodbye with their fingers.

"2017 BMW 4 series convertible, the base 430i trim is powered by a 248-horsepower, 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine, while the 440i gets a 326-hp, 3.0-liter turbocharged six-cylinder", I say as I enter the navy blue convertible.

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