Chapter Eight

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It's ten past midnight when I open my phone to check the time. Most of the night was spent tossing and turning in his bed. The events of tonight can't seem to stop replaying in my head. I decide to just lay and look up at the ceiling and think about how I got here. This is not I pictured the night to go, who would've thought I'd end up in his bed. Why did he even follow me out of the apartment?

As I was getting lost in my thoughts I hear the doorknob turn and I quickly pretend to fall asleep.

Ryder enters the room silently and walks over to the other side of the enormous bed. He siting down slowly while taking a deep breath in. Then he turns on the lamp next to him and opens the drawer quietly. He grabs something ,I can't make out what it is. After he grabs whatever it is he turns off the lamp and leaves the room.

If he's awake that means he can't sleep either. Maybe I should go out and sit down with him for a little bit.

I stand up from the bed and make my way to the other room. When I see him he's holding a bottle of vodka and drinking from it.

"Ryder?", he quickly puts the bottle down and turns around.

"I thought you were asleep."

"I couldn't sleep", I walk towards him and we both sit on the couch.

"Is everything ok?"

"Yes", then he changes his answer "no."

"You couldn't sleep either?"

"No", and just as he was about to bring the bottle to his lips again I take it from him and place it on the floor next to me.

"Talk to me."

"No, you should go get some sleep", he says in a rude tone. I decide against pushing him as he might get angrier.

"Ok if you want to drink your sorrows away go ahead", and I hand him his bottle and leave to the bedroom.

Within a few minutes after I laid down on the bed again, Ryder appears through the doorway.

"Do you mind if I sleep in here tonight", he says as I turn on the lamp next to me.

"No funny business I promise", and I nod.

Soon we're both lying down on the same bed together, our backs towards each other and the lights closed.

"Loraine?", he turns to my side.

"Yes," and I turn around to his side.

"I'm really sorry", he whispers.

"We'll talk about this tomorrow", and I turn back around to my side but he doesn't.

When morning finally arrives I find myself inches away from his lips and I immediately hurry out of bed before he wakes up. I was my face and find a spare toothbrush and brush my teeth, then head over to the kitchen.

While I sit on the couch with the coffee I made and look through my messages. I have two from my mom, four from Alexis, three from Celina, and seven from Aiden.

I reply to all of them except Aidens. What would I even tell him, all his message are him apologizing if he did something wrong or said the wrong thing, and here I am sleeping in Ryders bed. I should reply to his text messages. The reply is short and filled with things like sorry, having a hard time, you didn't do anything it's me, and I'll talk to you later.

"Morning", Ryder appears behind me and I close my phone.

"Morning", I murmur back.

"How'd you sleep?", he says while making his coffee.

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