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Thor looked over to where you sat on the balcony of the Avengers base

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Thor looked over to where you sat on the balcony of the Avengers base. Head lowered, your arms wrapped around you as you let out a shaky breath.

"Y / N..." He spoke quietly.

"Look at how many we lost... I lost my brother Thor..."

"As did I... But if I know Quill, he'll find a way back to you."

"Did Loki?"

There was a pause. "He's adopted, but yeah, usually."

You let out a quiet chuckle. Thor came over and sat beside you, his eyes scanned the floor. "Have I let you down?"

You looked up at him, "You haven't." You took his face in your hands. "You could never," you whispered, placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

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