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"Peter! Stop!"

As you entered the bar, everyone turned to you, Mysterio's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Get away from him..." You spat, glaring at Mysterio, "I know your plan, as soon as you take EDITH you're going to fool all of them."

"And why couldn't I fool you?"

"Because I have this..." You said, holding up a small part of one of the droids.


"When we were in Venice and that water elemental attacked, I got stuck inside, found out what you were doing and took one of these down..." You muttered.

"It was you who ruined my plan?"

"You could say t-"

You were interrupted as one his accomplices shoved you up against the wall. You winced and tried kicking them back but failed to do so.

Peter shot a web over at the man and pulled his arm back before turning to Mysterio. "Let her go..."

Mysterio growled, "You know kid. I liked you, I just don't like your girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend."
"I'm not his girlfriend."
The pair of you said in unison.

You kicked the man back and held a knife to his throat, "You leave this planet or I'll kill him."

The room around you began to change, Peter screamed out your name as it went black, he was beaten and bruised on a platform, you ran at him but were pulled down to the ground, with a cry you were pulled back, Mysterio shoved you back, "If you hadn't gone snooping around, none of this would've happened."

"Y/N, this isn't real!" You heard Peter
call in the distance.
Suddenly the beaten and bruised Peter ran at you, "This is all your fault! Mysterio killed everyone because of you!"

You couldn't escape, and it was all your fault, because you found out.

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