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You leant against the wall across from Beck.
"You know this new kid?" He asked.
"You could say that..." You muttered back. "I need to get my suit on." You added, leaving the long tunnel.

As you were getting your suit on you could hear the voice of Peter Parker. You quickly finished getting into the leather and walked back through the tunnel.

"Oh my god, you're Amethyst!" He gushed.
You glanced to him and chuckled, "Just call me Y/N, it's easier." You said with a smile.
"I-It's so good to meet you Am- I mean Y/N."
You chuckled before glancing to Mysterio, "I've seen you've met Beck?"
"Yeah, I have." He stammered.

"We've gotta get moving." Nick announced.
"What? Where are we going?" Peter asked.
You turned to him, "Prague, you'll love it!"
Peter stared at you for a few moments in awe before clearing his throat, "I'm on a trip though."
"Fury, d'ya think we can get something arranged."
Nick rolled his eyes, "If it means he'll join us then yes..."
"Great! Maybe we can get a day off too." You chuckled. "Come on, suit up."

Kick Names Take Ass ~ A Marvel GIF Series ~Where stories live. Discover now