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Peter watched you get out the taxi, the driver noticed a look of regret in his expression as you slammed the door, walking off.

As they pulled away, the driver glanced to Peter through the rear view mirror, "That was a pretty nasty argument..." He murmured

Caught of guard, Peter flinched, glancing to the driver, "Uh yeah..." He murmured, smoothing his fingers over his knuckles, something you did for him when he was nervous or upset. He was already regretting what he'd said to you.

"Do you really think she cheated on you?" The driver asked.

Despite privacy being a thing, that the driver didn't seem to understand, in all honesty, who else was he going to tell? He couldn't bring himself to tell May.

"No." He admitted, "She'd never do that."

"Then why?"

"Because... When I look at her, I don't understand why she chose me... Why she still chooses me. I barely see her because I'm-"

He stopped himself, his eyes widening for a split moment, "Uh! Because I'm always busy with stuff you know... It wouldn't take her long to find someone else who's there for her all the time, she's gorgeous, smart, funny..."

"If that's the case, then she would've found someone else kid..." The driver said, turning a corner. "I think you need to call her..."

"Yeah... You're probably right. Thanks man."

"No problem kid, I know how complicated women can be..." The driver said, pulling up to the pavement.

Peter chuckled quietly, his thoughts coming back to you as he looked down at your number, "No, not her. She's the least complicated person in my life." He said as he stepped out the taxi, paying the driver, before holding the phone to his ear.

"What is it Parker?" You muttered.

He gulped at your use of his last name, "Y/N... I'm sorry."

There was a long silence, he thought the worst and put his phone down, keeping you on speaker, before covering his face with his hands.

"Wanna swing by mine? Literally?" Your voice finally crackled through.

"Yeah, sure I'll be there in five."

"Make it four minutes." You said. "And bring a movie."

You heard him laugh quietly, "Fine." He said, before hanging up.

Kick Names Take Ass ~ A Marvel GIF Series ~Where stories live. Discover now