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Everything felt strange, it didn't feel like it should've done. Finally proving yourself to Fury and becoming an Avenger should have been a little more exhilarating, but it almost felt normal. That was until you put on your new suit.

You pulled the material up to your shoulders, it was flattering to say the least, modest too. You zipped up the front and turned to the mirror, smoothing it down, adjusting the turtleneck-like collar.

"It looks good on you." A voice murmured as Steve entered the room, leaning against the doorway.

You glanced at him through the mirror, "Thanks Rogers." You said with a smile. "Although, I think I'll make a few amendments." You murmured.

"Like what?" He asked, stepping into the room, folding his arms across his chest.

"Well... For starters. This collar's suffocating me." You grinned, before pulling the zip down a little.

Steve looked you up and down as you kept your gaze fixated on the mirror, when you turned to him, he looked back at you fondly.

You raised a brow at him, "Is this how you used to charm women in the war? Just look at them like that?"

He chuckled and shifted his gaze away, moving it around the room, "Not the same way I look at you..."

"Smooth..." You grinned, before walking past him, leaving the room. "See you round Rogers!"

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