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Happy sat in the front seat, you could hear the engine purring as you glanced behind you to see the clouds speeding past you, before shifting your focus onto the small device in your hand, "Hey, Parker?"

"Uh huh?"

"I'm right in thinking that I just have to unscrew this to replace it right?"

"Uh...." He glanced over to the web shooter in your hand, "Yeah?"

"You have no idea do you? Oh well, I'll figure it out..." You paused, glancing down at the device, "Dad will have put the blueprints hidden away for it somewhere..." You whispered.

You turned to see Peter creating his own suit, the concentration evident on his face. He reminded you of your father when he created his many suits, both shared the same look of concentration in their expression.

You smiled softly at the thought, Peter glanced over, noticing your content facial expression.
"What is it?"

"He'd be proud of you, you know that right?"

Peter smiled at you, his voice faltered as he then went on to speak. "I know."

You put the web shooter to one side and stood up, walking over to him, "May I?"

Peter looked to you and nodded, you swiped your finger across, "What are you doing first?"

Peter shrugged.

"Well, maybe you should see this..." You said, tapping on a prototype. "Take a look."

"PP/[Initials]" Peter read aloud. "What's this?"

"Just look at it."

He span the image round, zooming in at certain parts, "Woah..."

"I made it for you, back when you first came here, we were going to use it for your last suit but... I felt it wasn't ready. So, I carried on working on it for you."

"Y/N, I don't know what to say." He said, turning to you, bringing you into a strong hug.

"You don't have to say anything Peter." You smiled. "Make any changes you like."

Before you could walk away, you felt Peter pull you back, then his lips on your own, you melted into the kiss, before pulling away, your cheeks flushed.

"I've been wanting to do that for a while." Peter said awkwardly.

You chuckled, "I've been wanting you to do it for a while too."

Happy glanced behind you, "Hey! You're supposed to -"

"Save the lecture Happy, I know you have a thing for May!" You grinned.

"Don't you dare tell her Y/N!" Happy exclaimed.

"You just need a nudge."

"That's my aunt your talking about Y/N." Peter said.

You looked to him and winked, before walking back over to the table where the web shooter was. For the rest of the flight, you and Peter could barely concentrate or keep your eyes off of each other.

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