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As an Avenger, originally from Asgard, it wasn't long until the group put you up for seeing to the prisoner

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As an Avenger, originally from Asgard, it wasn't long until the group put you up for seeing to the prisoner.
"Perhaps Y/N should do it!" Natasha smirked, raising a brow at you.

You rolled your eyes, "No, you can forget it..."
"Why not?" Tony muttered.
"Because Y/N was a young flame of Loki's."
The Avengers turned to you, "Thanks Thor..." You muttered.
"So that means that you two are brother and sister in law then..." Tony added, gesturing to Thor and you as he stuffed his mouth with more crisps.
You looked to him, rolling your eyes, "Me and Loki weren't betrothed..." You scowled.
"But there were plans?" He asked.
"I'll see him if he stops you asking questions..." You growled, walking out the room towards the chamber.
"Yes there were plans." Thor spoke up once you'd left.

You approached the cell, watching as Loki turned, confused as he recognised your footsteps.
"My love."
"It's good to see you again." You muttered.
"So this is where you went when you ran off?"
You sat down, your back to the cell, he did the same on the opposite side, "I didn't run off Loki, your father hated the fact that you and I were to get married in secret."
"Odin has hated most things I've done."
There was silent for some time, "When did you become one of these Earth Guardians?"
You turned to him, looking over your shoulder, "When I tried to get back to Asgard."

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