Chapter Two

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*Two years later.*

"Babe bring me a beer!" Jimmy called out from the living room.

I looked at my sister and shook my head.

"The lovely St. James." Brandy smiled at me.

"Shut it." I laughed, "you need any help cooking?"

She shook her head no, "although it would be nice if Zacky kept me company."

"I want a beer too!" Zacky called out.

I laughed and sat at the counter, "I will stay with you. You're almost done thought right?"

She glared at me, "yea almost."

Brandy finished up dinner and made two big plates, handing me one. I grabbed two beers from the fridge and handed her one, then followed her in the kitchen.

"It's about time!" Zacky said excited a she jumped up, ready to eat.

Brandy sat next to him on the couch and kissed his cheek, then took a bite from his plate.

He smiled at her and dug in.

I handed Jimmy his plate, then curled up next to him on the couch, resting my head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around me to eat.

"This is good food babe." Zacky complemented Brandy.

"I agree, it's so good." Jimmy said stuffing his face.

Brandy took another bite from Zackys plate, "thanks."

I opened Jimmy's beer for him and took a drink, "what are we watching now?"

"American Horror Story!" Jimmy said excited, "Asylum."

"Woa!" I yelled excited as I snagged a bite from Jimmy's plate.

He glared at me then laughed.

Later on that night, Matt invited the guys over to discuss wedding plans for his and Val's wedding this fall. We tagged along to hang out with Val.

"You girls want some cookies?" Val smiled as we left the guys in garage and followed Val to the kitchen.

"Hell yes!" I said as I snagged a cookie and hopped on the counter.

Brandy took one and took a bite, "When is Syn and Johnny going to be here?"

"Well," Val said glancing at me then Brandy, "Michelle called a few minutes ago, just before you got here. Her and Syn are on the way."

I rolled my eyes, "She hates me."

"I don't get why though," Val said shaking her head.

Brandy laughed, "She slept with Syn while they were dating. Now that's her future husband."

I glared at Brandy, "Yea, bring that up."

"It shouldn't matter, that was two years ago. You're with Jimmy." Val pointed out.

I smiled, "exactly."

"Your sister has issues." Brandy said grabbing another cookie.

Shortly Syn and Michelle showed up. Brandy and I ventured off to see what the guys were actually up to, so Val could be with her sister without then stress and tension.

"Why hello, how's my favorite girl?" Jimmy said kissing my check as I walked up to him.

I glared at Syn, then smiled at Jimmy, "I'm good."

"What did I do?" Syn asked aggravated.

Brandy laughed after she kissed Zacky, "You brought your fiancé."

Syn rolled his eyes.

"Did you really call the guys out here to talk about a wedding this late?" I asked Matt.

He shook his head no with a laugh, "We planned to go drinking."

"Damn, leaving us hanging." I said shaking my head.

"Leaving us with the queen bitch." Brandy said glancing at Syn.

"Come with us hen damn!" Syn yelled.

Jimmy and Zacky glared at him.

"Way to go Gates. Invite our women." Jimmy said shaking his head.

I glared at him.

He smiled his cheesy grin at me.

"Hey I'm fine with them going." Matt said grabbing his keys, "let's go!"

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