Chapter Eleven

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Decemeber was here. It was like time was flying fast. It was crazy, how far along the guys were coming with this new album they were working on. They were so into now, that Jimmy would lock himself in our bedroom and write. It scared me sometimes, cause he didnt seam himself lately. I knew I wast either. I was depressed, knowing, I could be with Syn, but we waited to late to spill our feelings to one another. I still loved Jimmy, dont get me wrong, but all these what if's ran threw my head.

As for Brandy and Zacky, they couldnt be better. Their fighting stopped. They were closer then ever. I was happy for them that things were turning around. I just wish it was for me too.

"Wake up!" Zacky yelled from down stairs.

My mind slowly started to come to from being past out, sleeping. Jimmy had his arms around me and his faced buried in my back. I reached for my phone and it was seven am.

"What the hell is Zacky yelling about this early?" I mummled to my self.

Jimmy squezzed me, "He'll shut up soon."

I laughed and hugged his arms.

"Get up! Come down here! I want to open shit!" Zacky said excited, "Its Christmas!"

Jimmy and I both growled as we slowly got out of bed and followed Zacky down stairs.

Brandy was curle up in a corner drinking her coffee, looking unhappy as ever.

Jimmy and I sat on the other couch as Zacky started tossing out presents.

For the next hour, we sat there and opened everything. Everything but what he had got other people of course. That was for Matt and Val's Christmas party.

"Dont you just love how they throw all the parties?" I laughed at Brandy as we both started making breakfest.

She yawned and nodded her head, "Less work for us."

"True!" I pointed out.

Brandy started on something and I just sat at teh counter with a blank look.

"Are you going to help?" Brandy laughed.

I nodded my head and started going threw the fridge.

"Whats wrong?" She asked.

I sighed, "Another party, with Syn there."

"Oh." She said looking back at the stove.

I walked to the doorway to see what the guys were doing. They had started into the new video games they had just got.

"Did I tell you what happened that night?" I said quietly as I walked over to Brandy.

She glaced at me then back at the stove, shaking her head no.

"Well that game, after you had left it, I joined back in after Matt claimed be down." I started, "Then I got picked, by who I thought was Jimmy."

"Jimmy left with me when I got done playing?" She said looking at me funny, "We were talking about Zacky."

I nodded my head, "I thought it was. But it was Syn."

"Oh shit." Brandy said interested.

"I figured it out, after he kissed me." I told her.

Brandy shook her head.

"But thats not it," I said glancing at the door, then back at Brandy, "I kept kissing him."

"Your fucking kidding?" She said shocked.

I sadly shook my head no, "Part of me regrets it and part of me dont. We spilled our feelings for each other. Hes the one that invited us to that party two years ago."

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