Chapter Three

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After we had been to the bar for a while, all of us were good and drunk. Jimmy and Johnny kept trying to fight each other, so we took it back to Matt's place. All of us decided to just sleep over.

"Where the hell is Michelle?" Syn asked slurring his words.

Val took a drink of the beer she had and shook her head, "She left an hour ago. She was pissed you didn't tell her you even left."

Syn rolled his eyes and sat on the couch.

I sat on the couch across from Syn and cross my legs. Brandy sat next to me and Johnny sat next to her. Zacky said next to Syn.

"Are you gunna sit babe?" I asked Jimmy.

He shook his head, "I'm about to pass out. My organs aren't working."

I shook my head and watched him walk upstairs to the guest room.

"What ya say Val?" Matt said wrapping is arm around her, "take me upstairs? Have your way with me?"

She laughed and started up the stairs with Matt, "Yes honey."

I sighed and looked at a Brandy.

"What?" She laughed.

I shook my head, "Nothing."

Johnny wrapped his arm around Brandy.

"Seward, watch it." Zacky said glaring at him.

He smirked and rested his head on Brandy's shoulder, "I'm being good."

"Back off." Zacky said standing up.

Johnny threw his hands in the air, "okay okay."

Zacky went to sit back down, but Johnny kissed Brandy on the check. He went to run after him, but Johnny took off up stairs.

Brandy was clearly pissed off.

"Come babe, let's have some fun of our own." Zacky smirked, pulling her off the couch.

She smiled at me and started to the downstairs guest room with Zacky.

"Ugh!" I growled, "now I'm stuck with you and I'm not even tired."

Syn jumped from his couch to mine and sat next to me, "But you love me."

"Ha!" I laughed, "more like the other way around."

He shook his head and smack my leg, leaving his hand there.

"Syn." I said glaring at his hand.

He didn't say anything.

"Syn!" I yelled looking at him.

He quickly crash his lips against mine, kissing me.

I pushed him back and slapped him, "No! Bad!"

He laughed.

I rolled my eyes and got up, walking around the other side of the couch and sitting on the top of it with my arms crossed.

"Don't you miss my touch though." Syn whispered on my neck from behind me as he pressed his hands on my lower stomach, under my shirt.

I grabbed his hands.

"Wait." He said tossing my hands off his.

I rolled my eyes.

"Does this feel good?" He said as she slowly slipped his hand down my pants and panties.

I gasped and bit my lip.

"You do, don't you?" He smirked against my skin.

I growled and jumped away from him, "No. No. No!"

"What??? Come on let's have some fun!" He laughed looking me up and down.

I shook my head, "Syn! You are engaged. I am dating you're best fucking friend! No!"

He growled and fell back on the couch.

I rolled my eyes and stomped upstairs.

That next morning I woke up to the smell of food and Jimmy's hair in my face. I smiled at him as I kissed his check, trying not to wake him as I started out of the bed. I walked over to the window and closed the curtains then made my way down stairs. Syn was passed out on the couch while Val and Brandy were in the kitchen.

"Your up early." I said looking at Brandy shocked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "I just got up. I smelt Vals awesome cooking! Then realized I didn't have to cook for once."

Val and I both laughed.

"Hey, aspirin?" I asked Val, "I always leave some for Jimmy when he drinks like crazy."

"When does he not drink like crazy?" Brandy pointed out with a laughed.

Val pointed at the top of the microwave, "Does that even work for how much he takes it?"

I sighed, "only if he takes four."

"Damn." Val said shaking her head.

I ran upstairs real fast and left the aspirin next the bed with a glass of water, then made my way back down stairs.

"So Val," Brandy said with a smirk on her face, "Matt any good drunk?"

She laughed, "Maybe. What about Zacky?"

"Meh. He's better sober." Brandy said snatching a piece of bacon.

I just shook my head at both of them.

"What about you missy, Jimmy any good?" Val asked me with a smirk on her face.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I wouldn't know, he drinks past the point of function."

"Fucking taller version on Johnny Christ!" Brandy pointed out.

We all laughed at her statement.

Once Jimmy and Zacky woke up, then ate, the four us went back to out place. Zacky and Jimmy instantly started playing video games. Brandy and I just watched.

"Hey, Zack." Jimmy said a she paused the game, "You got any?"

Zacky nodded his head.

"Be right back." Jimmy said as the two of them got up and went to the bed room.

I shook my head.

"What?" Brandy asked.

" I don't know if I can handle this." I said quietly looking at the bedroom door then her.

She sighed, "Sometimes I feel I can't either."

"Oh well I guess." I said getting up and starting for the kitchen, "let's make a cake or something."

Brandy jumped up and followed me, "or we just half make it and eat all the batter."

"That was the plan." I laughed as I started getting everything out.

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