Chapter Thirteen

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I looked at him shocked for a minute, then slightly laughed, "You're lying. Curl joke, now where is Jimmy?"

Syn shook his head.

"Damn it Syn, tell me." I said getting aggervated, "This whole thing is just an act. You called us down here to freak us out. Jimmys going to bust threw that door any second."

He stood up, grabbed me by my shoulders and looked me in the eye, "Jimmy is gone. Im not lying."

I pushed him and tears streamed down my face, "You're a fucking lair!"

"I wouldnt lie about loosing my best fucking friend!" He yelled at me.

I shook my head and whipped the tears from my face, "How? How is that even possible? Did he wreck my car on the way to the studio? How?"

"He overdosed." Syn told me.

"No! No! No!" I cried, "He didnt!"

"He did!" He screamed.

I wanted to hit something. Someone. I couldnt handle this. I tightened my fist and went to hit Syn, but he caught my arm and pushed me against the wall, leaning close to my face.

"Dont hit me." He said hateful, "Im just as upset and pissed off as you."

I shook my head no.

"Damn it! I am too! I havent talked to any fucking body since I found out." He said fighting back tears, "I havent spoke to Matt, Zacky, Johnny, hell not even Michelle. You are the only person I have spoken to, because you are the only one, that is getting the bad enough of this as I am. Your the only person I can go to."

I looked at him stunned.

Tears slowly fell from his eyes and quickly hugged him.

He rested his head on my shoulder and pressed us against the wall crying histarically.

"God damn it, he was my friend." Syn said squeezing me tight.

"He still is and always will be." I told Syn, holding back my own tears.

He looked at me, in my eyes, "I cant do this. I cant take loosing him."

"I cant either." I told him.

He kept looking at me, not saying a word.

"Syn." I said worried.

More tears fell from his eyes, "I really can not do it, Cyndy. I swear."

"No." I cried, "I cant deal with loosing him, let alone you. Not both of you, I wont have it."

He looked kind of shocked, "Really?"

I nodded my head and looked at his chest, "I really cant, Syn."

"Call me Brian." He told me.

I looked back up at him and he slightly smiled.

"Brian, are we going to get threw this?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "We can together and for each other."

I felt my face turn slightly red and I looked back down.

He leaned his face next to mine and kissed my cheek.

I looked to the side at him and his softly kissed me.

"I thought you said the last time, would be at the party that night?" I asked him.

He shook his head no and kissed me again, "There will never be, a last time."

I smiled and he hugged me again.

"Im going to seriously miss Jimmy." He said.

I nodded my head and kept hugging him, "Me too."

Out of no where, someone opened the door. Syn didnt move, he didnt care. He wanted me to hold him and I wanted him to hold me. It was the only way we were gettign threw it. I thought at first, it was Brandy or Zacky. Hell even Matt, but I quickly found out, it was Michelle.

"What the hell are you doing Brian Haner!" Michelle snapped.

Syn slowly turned around and glared at her, "Get the fuck out of her Michelle."

She shook her head and looked at me, "No! Get away from my fiance."

I shook my head no and grabbed Syn's arm, "Im the only one who udnerstands what hes going threw."

"No, your not you little witch!" She snapped at me, "Matt, Val, Zacky, Johnny, everyone knows how he feels."

"Michelle, no you dont! You dont even know! You werent as close to him as I was." Syn snapped.

Michelle rolled her eyes, "I dont care. Stay away from her!"

"No!" Syn yelled back.

Michelle growled and walked up to Syn, getting in his face, "You are marrying me. Not her. You are my Fiance, not hers. If you want to keep it that way, listen to me."

"No." Syn said crossing his arms.

Michelle instently slapped him across the face, "Yea, you fucking are."

I saw Syn face get red with rage. I pushed him to the side adn stepped in Michelle's face.

"Dont you dare, lay a hand on him." I growled, "You have no right."

Michelle went to hit me, but Syn stopped her, "Come on, lets fucking go, if you want to fucking go."

Syn looked at me sadly and I looked at him sadly.

Michelle smirked at me, then walked off with Syn slowly behind her.

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