Chapter Sixteen

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*Cyndy's point of view.*

I woke up the next day, almost mid afternoon, to Syn playing with my hair. I looked up at him and he smiled at me.

"Morning." He mummled out.

I just smiled and streached out on the bed, then hugged him.

"Are you ready to go to Matt's today and face everyone else?" He asked me.

I sighed, "Ready as I'll ever be."

"Go change. I'm going to see if Zacky and Brandy are up yet. I thought I herd one of them earilier." He said as he got off the bed.

"You havent been up yet?" I asked shocked.

He shook his head no, "Had to make sure you got up."

I shook my head and started to my old bed room. I walked in the door way and just looked in. I havent been in this room since I found out. Since my bestfriend died. The guy I loved. Whom, I shared this very room with. Where he died. I felt tears started to pour down my face. I took a deep breath and rushed in, grabbing all my clothes. I tossed all them down the stairs.

"Cyndy, what are you doing?" Everyone said, freaking out.

I sat at the top of the stairs and buried my face in my hands, "I cant. I cant stay here anymore."

Brandy and Zacky looked at each other, then Syn.

"I cant do anything!" Syn said looking at them like they were crazy.

"Zacky, shes right, we cant stay here." Brandy told him.

Zacky sighed and nodded his head, "You're both right. We can see if Matt and Val will let us stay with them till we find another place."

After I had changed and all my clothes were packed, Zacky and Syn took them to the car. Brandy and I were in her room, packing her and Zacky's things. Zacky had called Matt after we packed my clothes and told them what was going on, asking them if we could crash with them till we figured things out. Of course, they were find with it, so once we had everything important, we would head to their party early so we could unpack.

"Do you have anything you need?" I asked Brandy.

She nodded her and leaned against the dresser, looking at me sad.

I slightly smiled at her, "Its going to be hard. I understand now, how hard its going to be. You got Zacky though, and I dont know if I have Syn or not, but I sur hope I do."

"Its not that." Brandy said shaking her head.

I looked at her funny, "Then what is it?"

"I've been debating about telling you ever since it happened," she started, "and I think I should."

"Brandy." I said looking at her, waiting.

"I kissed Jimmy that night at the Halloween party." She blurted out.

I looked at her shocked, "What?"

"He kissed me back." She said looking at me sadly.

I shook my head, "No, that's not possible."

"It is possible. I already told Zacky about it and he understands." She told me.

"He understands? He understands you kissed someone else that wasn't him? That was mine?" I said shocked.

Syn and Zacky walked in the room, like they were waiting on us.

"You kissed Syn that night, so what's the difference?" She asked me.

I looked at Syb, then back at her, "your my friend?"

"Syn is Jimmy's friend!" She yelled.

Syn walked up to me and whispered in my ear, "Come on let's go to Matt's."

I crossed my arms and leans against the wall, "why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Why didn't you ever tell Jimmy, you like Syn?" She asked me.

"Because!" I cried, "He's getting married to Michelle! He loves her. Not me. It's to late for me and Syn."

"That's a lie." Syn said looking at me.

I looked at him, "what?"

"I love you, way more then I have ever loved Michelle. I'm in love with you. I've even been in love with her." He told me.

Brandy walked up to me and hugged me, "I'm sorry."

I hugged her back, "I'm sorry too."

"Let's go to Matt's." I smiled.

Brandy walked out the door. Zacky started to follow her but stopped and looked at me and Syn.

"Brian, you need to tell Michelle all that." He said looking at him serious.

Syn nodded his head, "I know."

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